On The Subject Of All-Girls Schools

By Juliez

Oh, the myths of a single-sex education

The day started out like any normal Monday. I changed into my blue and you-had-to-pay-for-this-lack-of-flattery concrete gray P.E. uniform, and walked out to join my peers in the Gym. The conversation was centered around the new school calendar (school now starts in August), and how much it would suck to run in ninety degree weather.

ME: Wow, that sucks. I’m so glad I’ll be going to private school next year!

PEERS: Whaa? *general astonishment*

I am transferring to the lovely local all-girls school next September. Upon discovering this fact, my classmates began exhibiting the signs one usually sees at a town hall meeting: shouting terrible logic and waving their arms about. Apparently, going to an all-girls school is tantamount to microwaving live kittens. They had two main arguments against me going.

Argument One: What are you, GAY?

Going to an all-girls school makes you a man-hating, baby-eating lesbian. I like boys. I know many people who go to said school who also like boys. This school has a GSA, so there ARE lesbians at the school, but I doubt them being accepted had anything to do with that. My great-great aunt was one of the original students when the school started in 1921, and she had four children. These facts did nothing to sway my fearsome opponents.

Argument Two: You aren’t going to get laid. EVER.

This statement is wrong in so many ways, it’s hard to narrow it down. I do not go to school so that I can have sexual encounters. I go to school so that I can learn, which is something the deliberate fools in my Gym class don’t understand. Also, going to an all-girls school does not mean they send you to a rock in the middle of the Atlantic where phones, television, books, and the internet are all banned. It simply means I will not have to deal with some self-entitled ape snapping my bra. Where leers about my blondeness (”Hey Barbie! Do the curtains match the drapes?”) will no longer exist. Where I can actually walk to school instead of taking the testosterone-filled bus ride twice a day.

It’s true that I have many guy friends who aren’t jerks and have more than boobs on their mind 24/7. It’s true that I already know and am sure I will meet guys that are perfectly wonderful and dateable.

They just don’t go to my school.