On the Night You Were Born....

By Megthamama
Jaxon Riley-

On the night you were born, there was love and laughter.

We welcomed you into our family of 2 with WIDE open arms and hearts.

Your daddy was just beside himself with excitement and anticipation. Your grandparents roamed the halls (Literally. The Dr. even told us so). 

We waited and waited and waited. We were hoping that you would share your birthday with your great grandfather, Pop. However, you had other plans for us. And honestly, I think Pop would have wanted you to have your own special day too! We will now celebrate 3 birthday's in a row in the Walley family. Your cousin Tyler, Pop's and now yours! 

You started our day off bright and early at 4am. I think you were just preparing us for our late night feeding sessions that you enjoy. When we arrived at the hospital at 7am, we were so excited to get the party started! 
Your handsome daddy was nervous and tried to make me feel better, so he rubbed my feet. I had to remind him several times that I couldn't feel them due to my epidural. 

We watched your heartbeat and my contractions all day! 
The contractions become more frequent and intense. Your dad enjoyed "charting and anticipating" them. It kept him busy......so I didn't mind.

I ate lots of popsicles and ice chips......and even churned out a blog post....which your dad made fun of me for. So I sent him to the cafeteria. 
At 11:45 pm, the doctors and nurses wheeled me into the operating room for your delivery. Your daddy had to suit up as if he was a Dr. 

Because of the wonderful meds and his scrubs/mask/hat, I didn't recognize your dad and I thought he was just another Dr. in the room! 

At 12:16, Monday, June 9- you changed my life and heart. 

You had arrived my dear! I will never forget the sound of your sweet kitten voice. There were cheers in the operating room and your daddy immediately began updating me on what was going on. 
You weighed 7lbs and were 21 inches. 
There in that moment, you completed the space in our heart that we had reserved for you. You are our angel baby, our miracle, our little kitten, lima bean and monkey man. 
We loved you the minute we saw you........but the sweetest thing is knowing that you have loved us back your whole little life! I have always loved your daddy, and never thought I could love him more until I saw him hold you. I'm forever grateful that God chose us to be your parents. And I'm sorry that I'll remind you for your whole life that I labored for 14 hours just to have a c-section at the end for you to be born. You were worth it, and I would do it again as long as I get to hold you at the end. 
*Photo credit goes to the talented friend of mine, Jennifer Parnell with Jennifer Nicole Photography. True Story: It took longer to give birth than to receive our photos from Jennifer! Another True Story: I laid in the hospital bed and cried....and cried....and cried looking at them until H MADE me put the computer away. Umm....hello new mommy hormone problems! Jaxon Riley, welcome to the family. We are sooo glad that you are here! You are going to make our house so much more fun. God has big plans for you little man, and I'm glad that I'm the one that gets to watch with your dad. With more love than I could have ever imagined, Your Mom