On the Mountain Season 2 – Tei Shi Interview

Posted on the 27 January 2015 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

We’re counting down the days to the premiere of On The Mountain Season 2 with interviews from each of the spectacular artists that joined us at Stratton last year! Today we have the lovely and amazing Tei Shi, who serenaded us all by the fire before taking some time to answer questions.


Do you have a new year’s resolution?

Val: I haven’t even thought about that. I feel like every year that I have made a New Year’s resolution, I literally forget what it is within a week. My New Year’s resolution would probably be to start taking better care if myself health-wise because I am always sick. I’m sick right now. I always tell myself that I’ll start taking vitamins regularly, so that’s probably a big one because in the past year that we’ve been playing with the band, touring here and there, it’s been so shitty getting sick all the time. Definitely need to make a change with that.

What is the best gift you’ve ever gotten?

Val: This one is just a good memory from when I was younger. For my birthday when I was, like, 13 or something, I was away for a school camp thing for a weekend. I really wanted to redo my room. I wanted to paint it pink, and so when I came back, my family had painted my room bright pink and rearranged everything, and put one of those fairy nets around. So I came home and they were waiting there with a new room. That was the best present. My family is not, like, a “present” family.

If you could redo the soundtrack to any movie what would it be?

Val: Hmm, maybe, Fantasia. Something really fantastical.

What is the best or worst ‘80s trend?

Val: I would probably use this for both, but shoulder pads. I think they can be the worst and they can also be the best. If you use them the right way they can be sick, they’re like subtlety padded and give you this structure—they can be really sweet. But the really, really thick ones in sweaters and stuff are just terrible.