On the Hill

By Sue15cat

On the hill overlooking the Veggie Patch Lovely Hubby has made a space for our little old bench, it needs some renovation but we love it and it will do for now.

It only took Lovely Hubby a few hours of hard graft to dig out a level bit lay some slabs, and he's very particular about laying them on a firm bed of sand, he's nothing if not a perfectionist !!
Rosy helped by checking up on Dad every now and then, but then the rabbits on the hillside attracted her attention and she vanished.

It was well worth the time spent , look at the view we have when we sit down now with a cup of coffee in between weeding and planting.

Back near the house, the foundations have been dug for the workshop and garage and since this picture was taken  the concrete arrived and was poured into the holes and trenches.

A panoramic shot of our view from the bench.
It's all looking good.
Sue xx