On Patriotic Parfaits and Competing Loyalties

By Marilyngardner5 @marilyngard


Written last year, but just as true for me today!

Originally posted on Communicating.Across.Boundaries :

The picture shows a perfect patriotic parfait: blue jello, white whipped cream, red strawberries. Above the perfect parfait was a sign that read “Patriotic Parfait. These Colors Don’t Run!” Click the mouse and there’s another version – blueberries, whipped cream, strawberries, more whipped cream. Red.White.Blue.Red.White.Blue – the colors echo through the dessert. And indeed, it is gorgeous. 

Even if you wanted to, you could not escape that this week in the United States holds a national holiday. From patriotic table settings to patriotic menu themes red, white, and blue abound. July 4th is the quintessential holiday in the United States. It brings out a fierce patriotism and loyalty, along with the ever-present colors of the American flag on everything. From cupcakes to plates, from store decor to napkins — everything screams nationalism. There are even instructions for patriotic manicures! 

And the week is always a strange one for me. It forces my…

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