On Page SEO Tutorial for Beginners- How to Rank Your Website High On Google

Posted on the 08 October 2017 by David Mark @Ataghan_micheal

The content of your website and how that content is structure plays a major roll on how your website rank in google. Optimizing your website structure and content for search engine is what we called On Page SEO.

Which is also sometimes referred to On-Site SEO.

Definition Of On Page SEO

  • An action taken in order to improve search ranking.
It's important your on page SEO is fully optimize if you want to stand any chance of ranking your website high in google.

For that reason, I suggest working through this step by step tutorial, to ensure your website is properly optimized to attract organic traffic from search engines.

The Google algorithm continues to play more intelligent. years back you can simply stuff keywords into an article and instantly rank pages of your website.

Now, Google is paying attention to the relevancy of your website 


Definition Of Relevancy
  • Relevancy is a term that explains the depth of your content.
  • In other words, how comprehensive are the topics discuss on the site

Let use example of a website based on Baseball training

you create a website and put in 4 article covering a different aspect of baseball training 

It's unlike you would be able to rank the content based around your topic.

Instead, you want to expand each category with more content. the dipper you go with each category, the more relevant your website has around that topic.

Google is making move to limit which website quickly rise and ranking, so you need to create more content before it captures the relevant of the topic.

Not only does the content on your site help determine relevantly, but so does the way that content is linked to within your site.

This leads us to the next topic which is your website internal links structure.

Silo Structure

Silo structure is important for your on-page SEO because it helps spread authority throughout your website as well as the relevance the relevant of your pages.


Definition Of Authority
  • Authority is the terms use to describe the power of a website or link in the eyes of search engines.
For example, a website that has been around for a long time, and has a ton of content is most likely also going to have high authority. This leads to high ranking and increases traffic.

This specific structure I'm about to show you is not the only one that works

Home Page: Baseball Traning

Categories Page: Fitness - Batting - Feilding

For example,

We have homepage Baseball training, that would link to our blog category pages using intext link.

This is a link within the content of your page. It's important to have intext links, because they tell Google by using a keyword, what the pages is all about.

Each rank would have the keyword describing the specific category they're ranking to,

Google discover web pages by entering through any page and then following the external and internal links of that site.

As the spiders crawl your site, it takes note of the language used for linking to each page in order to tell what your pages is about.

The next step down is an authority blog post.

An authority post is simply a long-form post that has massive value. Like how to guide, that would make the viewer say wow.

Google Sitemap

Definition Of Sitemap
  • A document displaying the structure of your website and tells search engine how to index it.

Definition Of Indexing
  • It's just a way of describing the act of a search engine finding, searching through, and storing the information of your website.

Having a sitemap is good for SEO as well as getting your website index faster

For this reason, you can use the WordPress plugin called Google XML sitemap which automatically generates sitemap URL for your website.

You can still make a sitemap yourself even if you don't use WordPress or you just want a custom design page. 

Download and activate the plugin, and head over to your domain.com/sitemap.xml, you would see a page like this below.

Now head over to google search console to submit your sitemap URL. You would be prompted to verify the ownership of your website. Copy the HTML tag code, go back to your WordPress dashboard.

Click on editor under the appearance tab, then past the HTML within the head section.


The first step to optimizing the content on your website is to produce a high-quality article. Don't get caught up writing with the right keyword. Instead, focusing on writing and answering the reader questions.

Let discuss my personal process for creating a high-quality blog post for your website. This process assumes you don't already know anything about the topic. And now you're writing for information base niche.

Step 1. Type in your keyword into google, and click some of the high ranking sites.

Take Note On The Following Thing
  • What are they doing well
  • What do people compliment in the comment section
  • What you do like about the design/layout
  • What can be improve

Look at the comment section for questions from readers.
This questions perhaps not address in the article, add them to a spreadsheet as well as any topic that you see that you also want to include in your blog post.

Step 2. Head back to google search and type in the following, site:quora.com "your keyword"

Google search would display all the question on Quora containing your keyword. Copy the question people are asking on to your spreadsheet.

Step 3. Replace quora with any related forum within your niches

This will bring up forum thread related to your topic, just grab the URL of a relevant forum and use it in the following google search operator. Replace your keyword with the following. 

Site.http://www.blackhatworld.com "how can i "youtube seo"

You can replace "how can i" with any of this term

  • "when can i"
  • "why is it"
  • "how is it"
  • "what do i"
  • "need help"
  • "please help" 
  • "best way"

copy and past relevant question into your spreadsheet. For this searches, you can also click on each question and look for the reply which you can take and add to your own content.

At this point, you should have a content answering the questions people have on the web.

Image Optimizer

Image size is another thing that you should be aware of. There is a sacrifice that as to be made in the desire of your website.

The sacrifices are between design and website speed. You can make the website beautiful with stoning images, but it doesn't necessarily mean the website would load fast.

For this reason, not only do I limit the number of images on my site. I also try to optimize the file size of the images.

When I say size, I'm not talking about how large the images are displayed on the site. You can display image with high resolution and a large side.

You can download a cool plugin called Smush, this plugin would allow you to compress and optimize the images on your website.

The best thing about smush is that the free version is enough to get the job done.

URL Optimiza

Your URL play an important part in your website SEO. For example, www.baseballtraining-onlin.com/batting-pratice

Google as change significantly from his earlier day when having a keyword in your URL "/batting-practice" can break your ranking

However, url still play an important roll in outside optimization. It's important to have an exact match in the URL tag for the main keyword you're trying to rank for.

You can change the URL structure in WordPress by clicking on Setting and then permalinks tab. Then change your URL to post title

Meta Data

Definition Of Meta Data
  • Your metadata is the information displayed on search engine result pages.

This can be controlled on your website using a plugin called Yoast SEO.

Your metadata include your title tag and description

Title Tag

Your title tag is not important in terms of SEO as it uses to be, but it still an important factor to your on-page SEO strategy. 

You can keep your title fairly similar to the H1 header of your post, but keep in mind you have a limited amount of characters that would display. I suggest checking out your competition titles as well, to get some idea of what is already working.


The description doesn't have any SEO way, but is still important to complete, as this can have an effect on whether people click-through to your site or not. Focus on making a description that pops and makes the person want to read more.

Try to fit in your keyword as Google would bold this terms which would help your listing stand out.

Website Design And Speed

How clean your website code makes a huge difference on how fast your website load.

Most people reading this probably have an experience using WordPress. Some theme is built better than other, most people are only looking at theme with design in mind.

However, design and speed don't always go together, a site make look beautiful outside but have a load of junk inside

You made be able to achieve your design goal, but your website speed may be slow. I suggest you take note of this.

Engagement Signal

There are tons of SEO expert would believe that Google still looks at engagement signal, and I'm one of those. If at least not now, engagement signal is going to play a major roll in the future. As technology continues to become insanely accurate and judging human behavior.

Search Visits

  • Visits only coming from people using a search engine. 

If a majority of people searching for how to swing a baseball bat are clicking on the ranking website on the first page. Don't you think this will tell Google that the site is most relevant and should be ranking higher?

This's where high converting meta title and descriptions come in. Make the viewers want to click your website over the others.

Total Visits

  • All visits on the website regardless or when they come from.

Many people are claiming that their sites have received a significant boost in ranking after receiving a high volume total visit.

This means that driving traffic to your site either through social media or pay to advertise may actually help you rank high to get more organic click from Google.

Direct Visits

  • Poeple typing in your exact domain in their URL bar.

This may tell Google that you're a legit business and have a return visitors that love your content and company.

Time on Site

  • Amount of time that each visitors spend on your site.

People are spending a long time on your site, it tells Google that your site as meets your views need.

Google want the users to reach the best possible content so that they maintain the user base. For this reason, they want to rank your website higher if it's fulfilling the user's needs.

Bounce Rate

  • Percentage of people leaving your site who viewed one page

Google as continually to cracks down on this one-page website, because they want to discourage SEO from gaining the system.

You can optimize this by having a clear step on each page on where the user should go next.

Page Views

  • How many pages user of your website have views in total

This as the same explanation on bounce rate and time on site.

That's for this tutorial folks, I want to commend you for making it this far. Hopefully you learn something