On Normies

Posted on the 16 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

Gay State Girl: Have you ever been in such a position?

When you are incapable of measuring up, seemingly inferior in every which way, you have no means by which to compete, it’s satisfying to find others in a weaker position. Some take pleasure in degrading the weakest links. I’m not excusing this mindset. Just trying to provide an explanation. It’s akin to having a Napoleon complex. Not everyone can overcome a rough childhood.

It’s easy to say “I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did” but more difficult to feel it.

Jason Y: Well, we’re all human, but too much of the “little man complex” is unhealthy and destructive.

Yeah, of course, I’ve also been in the position of being the misfit.

I generally despise conformists. My brother is like that. He always does what the crowd wants. He wears the right clothes, the right hairstyle, and goes a long with whatever is cool, even if it’s morally and ethically repulsive.

The incel crowd hates those conformists. It’s not so much the clothes styles, etc. but that whole going along with society mindset. They call them “normalfags” or “normies,” and they absolutely hate them. Since I have a few gay commenters on here who I really like, I am going to call these people normies instead of normalfags. I despise normies. They’ve been calling me weird for so long. I have also experienced a ton of rejection from these idiots, although I suppose I had the bright spot unlike you two of also having a ton of success to go along with that.

They also go along with all of those crazy social rules regarding behavior, conversation, banned subjects, things never to be discussed, etc. I like to say that they have a list of a billion things that you are never supposed to talk about or discuss or bring up, including a lot of things that honestly ought to be talked about. I have found that the one thing normies hate more than anything else is truth.

Instead of telling the truth, they just make all of these weird subtle comments, hints, jokes and looks. You are supposed to pick up on all of this coded stuff. I am pretty good socially and very good at reading people, so I can usually decode all this stuff, but it pisses me off that they can’t just come out and say it. I like the truth, and I come right out and say it a lot, and that drives normies insane. Supposedly that is one of the ways I am “weird.”

Now I realize that there are quite a few things that are better left unsaid, but on the other hand, normies take this to an insane extreme where there are so many “never to be spoken of” things that all there is left to do is maybe talk about the weather.

And at least some of the time, coming out and telling the flat out truth is the best thing to do, especially in relationships. At some point, it is best to say, “Look I am tired of all the weird subtle hints, jokes, expressions and figures of speech. Let’s just get this out in the open right now. This is a very important thing to discuss. If  you want to be my friend, there are some things that I require of people and some things that you are just not allowed to do.” And then just get it out the damned open and deal with it!

The main thing is that normies always do all of the things that society tells or actually orders you to do. If you don’t do those things that you are supposed to do, they reject you really hard, and it’s utterly brutal. This goes on far into adulthood too. One of the lies about American culture is that it is individualistic and not conforming. Well maybe it is individualistic in terms of radical individualism or libertarian political thinking, but that’s not even a good thing.

And US culture is far more conforming than you would ever think. I have even heard that some European cultures might be less conforming than US culture at this point. US corporate culture is insanely conforming. I have a strong feeling that even in those groovy new IT companies like Google and Apple that that corporate culture is far more conforming than you would ever think. And if you don’t go along and be a normie, they are probably going to fire your ass.

Normies fire people all the time, especially for being “weird,” which is code for not being a normie. I have been dealing with this my whole life.

I am a very good worker, work very hard, am on time or even early (often 15 minutes early), and I even stay late a  lot of the time. I traditionally have hardly ever taken a sick day. I don’t screw off or slack off and always give it my all. I am also very responsible. But I have been fired a lot in my life not because I am a lousy worker but in general just because the boss simply did not like me! Often they started out liking me but started hating me over time. It seemed I was powerless to change this. I have gotten far better at this over the years to the point where I can last up 2-3 years a job without getting fired, which is pretty good.

I haven’t the faintest clue about what to do about this except that over time I have concluded that I probably should just not work for or with other people. I probably just need to work for myself. Which is exactly what I am doing at this point in my life. I have heard that a lot of other very high IQ people cannot work with or for other people either, and quite a few them are best working for themselves.

I am so sick and tired of being called “weird” by these assholes that I almost want to embrace it and just say, “Yeah, I’m weird, and what I hate are normal people. I only like weird people. The weirder the better.” You know, if you can’t beat em, join em.