On More LSD Related Notes, the Atlantic Published the Live...

By Briennewalsh @BrienneWalsh
Photo Post

On more LSD related notes, the Atlantic published the live Twitter feed of Gary Debussy, a young man who is not Gary Busey, while he was on acid. It’s kind of funny, but a lot of other people’s would be way funnier. For instance, I could have done a pretty good one when someone, without my permission or knowledge, dosed me with something called 2C-I. I ended up hallucinating so strongly that I thought that Franke was flying around the room, and also, I couldn’t even buy potato chips at the bodega because the cashier, I could have sworn, was Saddam Hussein. Let’s just say it was the first and last time I will ever hallucinate. Unless I turn out to be schizophrenic.

Someone who does like drugs is Oliver Sacks, a professor of neurology at Columbia University. He wrote an awesome article in the New Yorker this past summer about how he used to dose himself with hallucinogenics for fun in the 1960s. If you can get access to it, it’s a great read.

(And I post a picture of Cary Grant and Dyan Cannon, his baby bride, because apparently he used to make her do a lot of LSD.)