On Brett Kavanaugh, “Gang Rape,” and High School Girls Pulling Trains in the 1970’s

Posted on the 25 September 2018 by Calvinthedog

Regarding the sexual misconduct charges detailed against Brett Kavanaugh below, I am proud to say I’ve never done anything of these things or anything close to them. I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life but I have never raped a female or even come close to doing it. I like to sleep well at night and I have to look myself in the mirror every morning.

This horrible man is now facing a third sexual misconduct charge.

The first one involves a charge by a woman, 15 years old at the time, that the then 17 year old Kavanaugh and his creepy friend Mike Judge corralled her into a bedroom at a party while Kavanaugh tried to rape her. Brett threw her down on the bed, tried to rip her clothes off, and put his hand over her mouth to muffle her screams.

His buddy Judge was laughing the whole time. She literally fought him off and thereby prevented herself from getting raped. This was an actual crime called 2nd Degree Sexual Assault, a misdemeanor that calls for 1-3 years in prison. The statute of limitations ran out three years after the crime. I would be inclined to let him off on this considering he was a minor, but I hate him so much that I don’t care what sort of BS they use to hang him from his own petard with.

Of course I have never tried to rip a female’s clothes off to rape her and put her hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming! Good God, what do you think I am?

The second charge, which just came out, is from his time at Yale. Brett was a hard-partying guy, a member of a fraternity subsequently discovered to be a very creepy and rapey organization. This fraternity has been accused of so many sexual assaults that they were actually banned by the university at one point.

Brett was said to be rather shy but could get quite aggressive when drunk. These men are called “mean drunks” and it is a known type. I have known men who were very nice when sober but were quite mean when drunk.

A woman who was a classmate of his at Yale charges that in 1982 there was a drinking party in a dorm. She was there with several young men. Whether there were other men there is unknown. I am going to say right now that she was a damned idiot for going to a drinking party with just herself and five or six sketchy, rowdy college boys. What did she think is going to happen. At least bring a girlfriend along for Chrissake.

Anyway, at one point these boys started whipping out their dicks and pointing them in her face and daring her to touch them. The antics also involved the use of a fake penis at one point. The woman was a good Catholic girl at the time and she said she had never touched a penis before. Well, there’s no time like now, baby! Ah just kidding, sorry.

Anyway she tried not to touch them but they kept shoving them in her face. At one point, they grabbed her hand and put it on their penises. One of the men who did this to her was Brett Kavanaugh. The woman was traumatized by this and confided in some of her friends. This is legally sexual assault, but no DA will prosecute on a BS charge like this. It is a dick move though, and dick moves deserve a punch in the face in Man World.

I will tell you right now that despite extensive experience with more females than I can count, I have never done anything like this. It’s so rapey! Ew.

The latest charge is that Brett, Judge and a group of other boys threw regular parties when they were in high school that involved targeting a girl, feeding her enough drinks to get her completely wasted and then getting her to pull a train or do a gangbang. These are being called gang rapes, but that’s not the way I remember them.

I was around back then. This happened at parties all the time when I was in high school. You would hear this at parties, “She’s pulling a train!” Or they would point to some girl and say she pulled a train at this party last weekend. It was a pretty regular occurrence. My understanding was that all of the girls were drinking of their own free will. I was at many parties like this, and I never once saw boys or men feeding these girls booze. They didn’t need to. The girls went there with the expressed intention of getting wasted on alcohol.

I never participated in one of these train gangbangs. The idea was always frightening to me, and I didn’t have much sexual experience in those days. Plus I had performance anxieties.

A high school girl would get drunk off her ass, then get in bed with some guy. I guess they would ask her if she wanted other guys. Other guys would come in, and the girl would be like, “Bring it on!” These were high school girls who wanted to get gangbanged, so they would get drunk in order to have an excuse to do this without being sluts. I never heard that one of these trains was non-consensual. I never heard that one of them was anything resembling rape or gang rape.

I have heard that if you went in there at your turn in the train you would find some ravenous cum-drunk high school in there, her vagina soaked down to her knees along her inner thighs, panting like a dog in summer heat and flopping around on the bed like a possessed Jodie Foster in The Exorcist. She would be saying something like, “More! More! More cock! I want more cock!” If you got on top of her, she would look up at you and say, “A new one?” And then, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me dammit!” while flopping around on the bed like a fish.

Females who are this sexually crazed are obviously getting raped, right? Oh Hell no. No female acts like that unless the sex is consensual.

Back in those days, just because some horny as Hell high school was pulling a train in some bedroom, that didn’t mean crap. In no way was it synonymous with gang rape or even a single rape. It was just some high school girl living out her fantasy of getting gangbanged.

Now if these guys were actually targeting certain girls and deliberately feeding them drinks in order to gangbang them, that was sleazy. But that’s not really rape either. No male ever goes on rape for sex with a drunken female. No DA ever files on a bullshit charge like that. It’s only rape if sh’e passing in and out of consciousness, and even then, it’s hardly ever prosecuted. One case that was prosecuted recently was a case like that with a high school girl which was videotaped. The only reason those boys went down was due to the videotape.

If she is so drunk she is literally passed out, yes, it is rape, but hardly anyone goes down on that either because there’s usually no evidence. Sadly, this bullshit happens all the time. Girls and women – don’t drink yourself black out drunk or even worse passed out drunk. You may well get raped and you have no one but yourself to blame for that. This is what the college athlete Brock Turner went down on. 95% of the sexual activity they had was 100% consensual, and it was not sexual assault until she passed out. At that point he was supposed to get off of her.

Also it was sexual assault, not rape, due to digital penetration. That woman was another idiot who got herself black out and then passed out drunk and then got assaulted. She was with Brock at the party for a long time after they left and people said she was all over him, practically screwing him in the main room in front of everyone. When they left and went outside, same thing, she was practically raping HIM.

I’m just saying there is a lot less to a lot of these cases than meets the eye.

On the other hand, Kavanaugh and his buddies definitely did what I would call a dick move by feeding these girls drinks and then frankly preying on them when they were wasted. It’s a dick move, not rape. The punishment for dick moves like that in Man World is a punch in the face. That’s exactly what this creep and his friends deserve for pulling this shit.