On a Budget? 10 Really Cheap but Healthy Foods

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Do you experience sticker shock when you go to the grocery store?

I do.

And yet the Obama regime keeps insisting the inflation rate is really low. That’s because, oh so conveniently, the feral [sic] government doesn’t include the prices of food and gas in computing the rate of inflation!

But high grocery prices should not mean that you and your family must forsake nutrition.

Here are ten inexpensive but nourishing and delicious foods, from Refreshing News:

1. Bananas

If you want a low-cost treat, you don’t have to go for something unhealthy like processed candy. Bananas, which are high in potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, make a wonderful treat at less than a quarter each.

2. Brown Rice

Rice is the world’s most widely eaten staple for a good reason: It provides so much energy at such low cost. Brown rice, which has not had the bran and germ removed, is higher in minerals like magnesium and zinc than white rice and also has a lower glycemic index, making it the healthier option.

3. Cabbage

The humble cabbage is a thrifty cook’s dream. A 5 lb. head of cabbage will generally set you back three dollars. In spite of its low cost, it packs a nutritional punch and is loaded with vitamins and minerals like Vitamins K and C, iron, calcium, and potassium. Cabbage is also low in calories!

4. Carrots

There’s a reason why Bugs Bunny is crazy about carrots! Carrots are good for you, being high in vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, and a host of other nutrients. They are also inexpensive and very low on calories.

5. Dried Beans

Protein is often the most expensive element of a meal, but beans are one of the rare exceptions. You can usually buy a 1 lb. bag for a dollar (or less), which is much less than you’d pay for an equivalent amount of meat, but with much less fat and none of the cholesterol. In addition to protein, beans are also high in folate, iron, fiber, and other nutrients.

6. Eggs

Even the most expensive organic free-range eggs come in at less than 50 cents an egg. For that price, you get an exceptional source of protein that is high in B vitamins and anti-oxidants. Eggs are also very versatile and can be worked into almost any dish.

7. Parsley

Often used as a mere garnish, parsley is actually a nutritional dynamo, packed with antioxidants, and vitamins C and A. It’s also an ingredient in traditional medicine, with proponents who claim it’s useful in treating everything from gastrointestinal issues to menstrual problems. Parsley is also cheap, at less than a dollar a bunch.

Rutabaga hash

8. Rutabagas

Better known as turnips, rutabagas are high in vitamins C and B6 and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous, the rutabaga is a nourishing vegetable with a unique taste. Rutabagas can be boiled, roasted, or mashed. Unlike so many vegetables, rutabagas keep well, so you can buy them in bulk.

9. Canned Sardines

Like many fish, sardines are high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but unlike many larger fish, they are low in mercury and PCBs. That makes them a wonderful choice, especially for women who are pregnant or nursing. Even better, canned sardines which can be eaten as is, cooked, added to a sauce, or almost anything else you can think of, are one of the most affordable fishes on the market.

10. Sweet Potatoes

Being a hardy tuber that stores well makes sweet potatoes a lot cheaper than many other vegetables. And that’s great news, because they are also loaded with potassium, Vitamin A, and fiber.

Here’s another incentive to eat these 10 cheap but healthy foods: They are all low in calories! There’s a reason why vegetarians tend not to have the obesity problem that plagues so many Americans.
