OMM: Interview with Author Kendare Blake

By Appraisingpages @appraisjngpages

We are so excited to bring you this interview with author Kendare Blake, author of Sleepwalk Society,Anna Dressed in Blood,Girl of Nightmares, and most recently, Antigoddess( review to come!). She is one of our favorite authors and we loved getting to know her better! 

1.)  What first attracted you to the horror genre?   I read a lot of horror when I was a kid. That’s the kind of thing I found interesting and exciting. I’ve enjoyed being disturbed from a very young age. 2.)  Are there any authors whose styles have influenced you? Sure. Just about every one I’ve ever read. You can learn something from everybody. But the most marked influences have probably been Milan Kundera, Caitlin R Kiernan, and perhaps George RR Martin. I don’t think I write LIKE any of those writers, but their styles and tricks have taught me much. 3.)  What books or movies scared you as a kid and maybe even still scare you? As a kid, a lot of things scared me. Practically everything. I couldn’t make it through Beetlejuice for pete’s sake. My first horror movie was something on TV, I think Nightmare on Elm Street 4. It’s still a sentimental favorite. But it no longer scares me. Not much does, anymore. At least as far as entertainment horror is concerned. Alas, there is scary and disturbing stuff every which way you look in real life. 4.)  Out of all of your characters, who was the easiest to write? Cas and Athena were the easiest to write. Cas showed up and simply owned the page. And Athena had no problem dragging me across the country on her blood-soaked mission. Maybe it’s because they’re the two who would want a chronicler, even if neither would admit it. Both Anna and Cassandra would rather fade into the background. Neither one of those girls really wanted the attention. Antigoddess questions:   5.)  Are there are any deleted scenes or special features from your newest release, Antigoddess, that you can share? Hmm. Well, not exactly deleted scenes, but in previous versions I spent a lot more time with Cassandra back in Troy. And at one point, Athena was the villain of the piece. Some might say she still is. In an earlier draft, Achilles was there too, and played a huge role. Now he doesn’t show up for…well. Awhile. 6.)  Are thee any special promotions or tour stops for Antigoddess that you have coming up? I’m going on the road for ANTIGODDESS for about a month, with stops in California, Illinois, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, and New York Comic Con. So I’m going to have a thank you contest for folks who buy the book while I’m on the road. The prizes will be varied, from advance (way way advance) reader copies of Antigoddess 2, to food related goodies, to bookmarks, to gift cards, and I’ll put your friend and/or pet into a book. I don’t know exactly what you’ll have to do to enter (besides buy Antigoddess) but I’m thinking it’ll be something to make me smile while I’m on the road. Like, selfies of yourself with the book or something. 7.)  What is the most exciting thing about starting to write a new series? Getting to know the characters. Discovering what happens. Every new thing you work on is magic. Last, but most fun, Halloween questions:   8.)  What was your favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn? Probably the year I dressed in drag, with a smoking jacket, cigarette holder and fake mustache. That was way comfy, and I looked pretty big pimpin, if I do say so myself.

9.)  Do you have any special Halloween traditions?  What is your favorite part of the holiday?

Candy is my Halloween tradition. Though I do try to take part in Neil Gaiman’s All Hallow’s Read, where you give a scary book to someone you love. My favorite part of the holiday would be the candy. No. The costumes. No. The candy. No. Well, I do really love an original costume. 10.)  And, of course, what is your favorite Halloween candy or treat? Candy corn! Kidding. Who likes candy corn? I actually like vintage old timey candy, like black cows and mary janes and bit o honeys. Stuff you only see around Halloween. But you can’t go wrong with chocolate. Or root beer barrels. Or fun size M&Ms. Or butterscotches! Or scrumdiddlyumptious bars! I’ve never gotten one of those. But I can dream. Thank you so much for having me by for the Month of the Macabre! May you all enjoy some good, clean, bloody dead intestine-draped fun this Halloween. -Kendare

 You can purchase Antigoddess now, click here!

Check out Kendare Blakes site!