Omicron BA.2 Sub-strain Must Be Increased as a ‘variant of Concern’, Demanding US Health Experts. This is Why

Posted on the 21 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

The results of the latest research conducted in Japan made Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding to submit this request.

A laboratory study on Sub-strain BA.2 from the omicron variant of Coronavirus, which was carried out recently in Japan, ended with the conclusion that it was ‘not only faster spread, but also the possibility of causing a more severe disease.’ Suggestions provided by exercise have encouraged prominent American health scientists, Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, to demand BA.2 immediately expressed as ‘caring variant’ (VOC).

This is his research, conducted by a team led by experts from the University of Tokyo, found:

(1.) After infecting hamsters with BA.1 and BA.2 sub-strain, it was found that what was infected with BA.2 was getting sick and developing worse lung infections. This is evident from a network sample, because the researchers found the lungs of the hamsters infected with Ba.2 to be more damaged than those who got BA.1.

(2.) From neutral experiments, the team found that this latest subvarite, was first detected in February this year in countries such as Denmark and Britain, resistant to antibodies, which were developed from vaccination against Covid-19. This feature is present in the original Omicron too.

(3.) Also, BA.2 is found resistant to antibodies in infected people with previous variants of SARS-COV-2, and ‘almost completely resistant’ for some monoclonal antibody treatments used to treat this disease.

(4.) The author also records that BA.2 has started ‘outcomet’ ba.1. This, according to them, shows that the latter is more contagious than the original Omicron.

(5.) They further say that even though BA.2 is considered an Omicron variant, the order of the genome is different from BA.1. This is proof that two sub-strains have completely different virological characteristics, the researchers said.

(6.) Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that even though BA.2 was more contagious from BA.1, it was no worse.

(7.) Omicron was first detected in November last year, in Botswana and South Africa. Since then, Subvarians BA.1 has been found in many countries and also has a previous variant, such as Delta.

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