OMG is Right

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

I love Instagram as much as the next fool – as someone who’s been editing images on photoshop for years, I’m kind of excited that these one-click filters are acceptable styles now.  I also love the ease of posting to my social channels from mobile devices.

However, I spend a lot more time on my desktop than off these days.  And I’m a PC, so I’m still excluded from lots of fun Apple apps.  What I want(ed) is a similar way to edit and publish photos from my desktop – and OMG I found it.

On top of the quick-and-dirty filters, OMG also offers borders, which I happen to personally like better than regular filters (and are not easy to achieve in photoshop).

Hawaiian chickens: before & after border filter

You’ll have to save a copy of your filtered image in order to use it anywhere since it doesn’t have social sharing options.  But, honestly, I think that’s a better way to go anyway since then it’s not hosted on their site.

Give it a try, let me know what you think!

with 'Three" filter

with "Lomo" filter & "Photo" border