Omegle Stats 2023 Traffic and Engagement Analysis (Updated For 2023)

Posted on the 15 March 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Omegle is a website where people can communicate with strangers from all over the world.

Leif K-Brooks launched Omegle on March 25, 2009, enabling users to chat with strangers at random online.

Omegle is one of the world's fastest-growing websites. Its traffic has steadily increased year after year since its launch in 2009.

Indeed, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Omegle experienced a 38% increase in traffic over the previous year.

According to Google Trends, searches for "Omegle" increased by more than 300% in December 2020.

Due to the private ownership of and its refusal to divulge any of this information to the public, some of this data is more difficult to track.

How Much Traffic Does Omegle Get Now?

In recent years, Omegle has grown in popularity as social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok feature videos featuring Omegle chats. It's no surprise that so many people return to the website regularly.

Omegle is one of the most popular chat sites on the internet, with over 94 million monthly visitors.

Here is how the stats speak about Omegle:

Using that figure as a starting point, we can calculate the following:

  • 23.5 million people are Weekly users, and 3.35 million are daily users.
  • Every hour, 139,880 people visit Omegle, and every minute, 2,331 people visit Omegle.
  • Every second, 39 people visit Omegle.
  • Furthermore, all platforms indicate that Omegle doesn't use ads to drive site traffic.

Who Uses Omegle And Why?

According to the most recent statistics, the Philippines has topped all-time global web searches for Omegle, with Tunisia coming in third.

According to SimilarWeb, Omegle is ranked 407 in the United States and 522 globally. It is slightly less popular than Uber Eats in terms of global traffic.

Omegle's monthly visitors are primarily from Brazil (4.2 million or 8%) and the Philippines (3.3 million or 6.2%). According to Google Trends, the Philippines has the second-highest interest in Omegle.

Omegle's most considerable age demographic is 18 to 24-year-olds, who account for 39.57% of traffic. As users get older, their numbers decrease, and 64.75% of Omegle's audience is male, while 35.25% is female.

Omegle users spend an average of seven minutes per visit, with seven pages per visit, indicating a one-minute chat session.

Omegle's traffic is almost entirely organic, with 62.29% coming directly to the site, 31.82% from organic search, 5.74% from other sites, and only 0.15% from social media.

Monthly, the top 7 countries that are creating the most traffic on Omegle are:

How Much Time Do Users Spend On Omegle?

Users spend an average of 5 minutes and 8 seconds on the site across all devices, with the desktop taking 4 minutes and 37 seconds and the mobile web taking 5 minutes and 15 seconds.

The site has a monthly bounce rate of 65.03% on desktop and 58.98% on mobile, where a bounce is defined as a visit to the site, viewing one page, and then leaving without further interaction.

Users visit an average of 2.39 pages per session across all devices, with 2 runners on desktop and 2.44 runners on mobile.

How Does Omegle Make Money?

Omegle generates income through two methods, advertising and affiliate marketing. However, as Omegle is a private company and does not disclose its financial details, it is unknown how much is earned from these sources of revenue.

1. Advertising

Most of Omegle's 94 million monthly users come from the United States. This suggests that the company could earn a substantial amount from advertisements.

However, due to the controversial nature of the site, many big corporations may want to avoid displaying their ads on Omegle.

Omegle does not operate its advertising platform and instead uses various digital ad networks for placing ads on its site. The exact amount generated from advertisements by the company is unknown.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Omegle generates revenue through affiliate marketing by receiving a commission or referral fee for directing customers to another company's website. Most of these affiliate links on Omegle's site lead to adult webcam sites.

However, it is still being determined whether they receive a fee only for sending traffic or if they only earn money if the traffic they direct makes purchases. The amount of revenue generated from this source by Omegle needs to be clarified.

3. Requesting Contributions

Businesses will often do anything to make money. Omegle may also ask for donations. However, this is just speculation.

Because of this, many business owners are hesitant to ask for contributions. However, as the saying goes, "money is everything," and Omegle is following it to increase revenue.

There have been reports of users and private donors supporting Omegle, but no official record exists. Nonetheless, it could be a substantial source of revenue.

4. Selling Data

Omegle collects and sells the information of its over 65 million monthly visitors to data collection companies. Omegle efficiently extracts user data when they access the site because there is only a web version available.

This allows the company to sell the information to other organizations for a large sum.

5. Selling Ad Space

It is widely assumed that Omegle generates revenue by selling advertising space. There are two types of advertisements in this category: banner ads and pay-per-click ads (PPC).

Banner ads are prominently displayed on web pages and generate revenue based on the number of impressions received.

On the other hand, PPC advertisements generate revenue based on the number of clicks received, with the amount of revenue determined by the specific advertising model used.

With a large number of monthly visitors, it is reasonable to assume that Omegle generates significant revenue from advertising.

6. Funding & Revenue

Estimates suggest Omegle's annual revenue from cost-per-click ads could reach up to $216 million, based on its site's traffic. However, this is only an estimate, and Omegle's revenue could be higher or lower.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Omegle's revenue is unknown, as more people likely used the site to combat loneliness while social distancing.

Financial details of Omegle are scarce, so its valuation is unknown. The company has yet to go public or raise money via venture capital.

The company's expenses are reportedly low, likely covered by ad revenue, hence the lack of need for outside funding.

How To Use Omegle?

Go to the Omegle homepage. Omegle is simple to use; all you need for basic chat is an internet connection! To get started, go to

You'll notice some chatting options here. In the following steps, we'll review the fundamentals of starting a new chat with a stranger.

Before you start chatting, please read the terms of service at the bottom of the homepage.

Choose between text and video chat. You should see a message that says "Start chatting:" near the bottom right of the home page, with two options under it - "Text" and "Video."

These options are exactly what they sound like: "Text" allows you to text with a stranger, whereas "Video" allows the stranger to see your image and hear your voice (and vice versa). To begin chatting, select your preferred option.

When you're done chatting with your stranger, click the "Stop" button in the screen's bottom left corner. The button will now say, "Really?" Click it again to confirm and end the chat.

You can end it anytime during a chat by clicking this button twice. This is useful if you encounter objectionable content you do not want to view.

You should note that other Omegle users frequently end chats with you very quickly (even before either party has sent a message).

Please don't take this personally; some people prefer to browse through many strangers before selecting someone to chat with.

Can We Trust Omegle?

Below I have mentioned my experience with Omegle. You can read it and decide whether you can trust this platform or not.

1. Dont share personal details

Your priority when using the internet should be safety. Avoid sharing personal information that could reveal your identity in real life. Someone who asks "asl" wants to know your age, gender, and location.

You are not required to respond. It is excessive information if someone asks for your birth date, school name, or phone number.

To ensure your safety, enable private mode. You can't be sure that the person you're communicating with is who they say they are. Anyone can easily pose as someone else. Even if someone appears to be trustworthy, proceed with caution.

2. Dont share your social media handles or IDs

Do not share your social media accounts with strangers to maintain internet safety. Profiles on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat include personal information such as your location, friends, and more.

Although you can make your profiles private, giving someone access could result in permanent data extraction.

To protect your personal information, keep conversations with anonymous chat platforms like Omegle, where the chances of talking to someone again are low.

3. Dont click on any external links

Avoid clicking on external URLs offered in Omegle messages.

They may appear trustworthy, but they may direct you to malicious pages designed to infect your device with malware or trick you into providing personal information by posing as a legitimate company. Avoid clicking on these links to stay safe.

4. Do not immediately meet anyone offline

Omegle is merely an online platform for meeting and conversing with strangers. However, it strongly advises against meeting strangers online if you don't know anything about them.

5. Disconnect immediately if you feel uncomfortable

Keep in mind that the goal of Omegle is to communicate with a large number of strangers.

If you are disturbed by what the person on the other end of the webcam is saying or doing, or if you suspect something suspicious, press the Stop button immediately to end the chat session.

You can also leave the chat by closing the browser window.

Quick Links:

Bottom Line: Omegle Stats 2023

Finally, Omegle is a well-known platform for anonymous chatting with strangers. Despite its safety risks, it has attracted millions of visitors for various reasons.

Omegle generates revenue in various ways, including selling user data, advertising space, and contributions.

Users should follow internet safety rules, avoid giving out personal information, be cautious of external links, and disconnect immediately if they feel uncomfortable on Omegle to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Following these guidelines will allow you to get the most out of Omegle while protecting your data and privacy.

So, that's everything you need to know about Omegle. I hope you found this useful, and please leave a comment if you have any questions.

Andy Thompson

Andy Thompson has been a freelance writer for a long while. She is a senior SEO and content marketing analyst at Digiexe, a digital marketing agency specializing in content and data-driven SEO. She has more than seven years of experience in digital marketing & affiliate marketing too. She likes sharing her knowledge in a wide range of domains ranging from ecommerce, startups, social media marketing, making money online, affiliate marketing to human capital management, and much more. She has been writing for several authoritative SEO, Make Money Online & digital marketing blogs like: ImageStation, & Newsmartwave