Omega Strikers – Beginner’s Guide – Tips & Tricks

Posted on the 28 September 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 28 September, 2022

Omega Strikers Beginner’s Guide – Best Tips, cheats and tricks for the 3v3 game of the moment!

Omega Strikers is a recently released game that combines soccer and action in one package. The game requires three players at a time, and its goal is to score a goal while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. In addition to playing against opposing teams, players in Omega Strikers must also fight each other.

This beginner’s guide includes information on how to get started with tips and tricks.

Omega Strikers Beginner’s guide

Learn about controls

Understanding the controls is necessary to succeed in the game. Odyssey Interactive purposefully designed the game to be accessible; however, we suggest taking time to learn the basics.

Aims well

It is tempting to strike and hope at every opportunity. Taking the time to aim can really pay off. Aiming at the corner of the goal gives you the best chance of hitting the target directly. If the goalkeeper successfully blocks your shot, the chances of him being out of position to save a follow-up shot increase.

Timing is critical

Striking the core requires both accuracy and proper timing. One tip is to have your opponent strike first so that you can react while they can’t.

Hold position

Understanding each character’s strengths and how to use their talents comes before anything else. These are just as important as learning about the characters themselves.

It’s important to not play out of position. For example, a forward should stay in front of the opposition when they pressure them. Meanwhile, a goalkeeper should feel free to run off the pitch while playing.

Select the Most Effective Group

It’s worth determining what style of play you prefer when building a team. This can help you choose which players to recruit and which positions they play. For example, you could build a fast and agile team that dodges opponents’ attacks. Alternatively, you could create a defensively strong team that blunts the opposition’s plays.

There are ten Omega Strikers characters available to add to your roster. These include Kai, Juliette, Estelle and Dubs. Players can choose which characters they want to add to their roster; this may be influenced by what kind of team they want to build. The first opportunity to unlock more characters is after completing the mission One Chance.

Get the right training in Omega Strikers

So you’ve figured out how to control your players. You know which ones best suit your style. Now is the time to develop their skills to complement all of this. That’s where Omega striker training comes in. The training page allows you to choose some passive buffs for your character that will improve your player’s basic abilities. These fall into different categories:

  • Brawler
  • Controller
  • Sniper
  • Specialist
  • Speedster

Choosing the training you need for your character is critical to getting the most out of the gameplay. For example, if your style is for speed, there is little point in increasing the size. If you play in different positions, you probably want to have a different size for each position. It’s also worth noting that the more you play Omega Strikers, the more workout options you can choose from. This in turn leads to stronger characters.