Omega 3 for Vegetarians & Vegans

By Natalie Tamara @thetofudiaries

It’s funny how as a vegetarian or vegan you often have to field questions about where certain nutrients or vitamins come from in your diet. I’m almost certain that the same people asking probably couldn’t tell you where in their diet they get it from.

There are certain things you do have to be aware of if you are following a plant-based diet but fortunately it is remarkably easy to do by incorporating enough of the right foods. Today I’m going to share some sources of Omega 3 for vegetarians and vegans with recipes rich in it. Whether you are just getting started on a plant-based diet or not, I personally find it always helps to give myself a reminder of the foods I need to be eating regularly so look out for future posts where I’ll be doing the same for other key nutrients.

Something typically associated with fish, Omega 3 is strongly linked to better heart health, cognitive function, reduced inflammation, and the potential to alleviate depression. I am not of course a professional or trained nutritionist so here is a full nutritional run-down of Omega 3 for vegetarians and vegans from an expert – and here is a list of sources and some tasty ideas on how to eat them:

Sources of Omega 3 for vegetarians and vegans:

Flax Seeds

I have some very good news here: the Omega 3 in flax seeds is surprisingly heat-resistant so even after baking you can still benefit from it. You can also add flax seeds (whole or ground) over muesli, granola or a breakfast smoothie bowl or it would be perfect sprinkled over a salad.

Idea: Fudgy Chickpea Blondies


Walnuts are packed full of all sorts of nutrients and as little as four of the nuts a day can make a significant difference to your diet.

Idea: Spicy Tofu Scramble with Walnuts


Opinion tends to vary when it comes to supplements; some people believe you should get all of your nutrients from your food, whilst others want to feel certain they are getting enough every single day. I think both are equally valid and ideally I strive to get everything I need from my food but am also aware that there might be days when I can’t make my own food and ensure I do get everything I need. Admittedly though, I am not particularly great at remembering to take capsules every day…

Idea: Veggie-friendly made from algae Omega 3 supplements, such as Efamol EnvirOmega are readily available and should be taken once a day with food.

*PR Sample

Hemp Seeds

The Omega 3 found in hemp seeds appears to be particularly easy for our bodies to absorb; they have a great nutty flavor too so get sprinkling them over salads and cereals.

Idea: Cherry & Hemp Raw Brownies

Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli also contain Omega 3 and these are easy to incorporate into meals.

Idea: Curly Kale Quinoa with Sweet Balsamic Beetroot

Other sources: Chia seeds; Mangoes; Seaweed; Mungo beans.

Has giving up meat make you think more about nutrition?