Olga Havrylyuk From TerraLeads Sharing Actionable Blueprint To Be Affiliate Marketer

Posted on the 29 August 2017 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Another female affiliate marketer on my blog Olga Havrylyuk she is working for Terraleads and managing affiliate partnerships. I met Olga at Berlin and she was very enthusiastic about meeting affiliate marketers around the world and I gave her my book and she really liked my book.

She appreciated my hustle and gave me honest feedback for my book too. This is what I called true entrepreneurship spirit. Meeting like minded is always my top priority and Olga was one of the best people I met in Berlin.

So lets start the interview with Olga 🙂

First of all, thanks a lot for visiting my blog, you made my day by accepting my interview request. Tell me something about yourself & your educational background?

Thank you a lot for meeting me and for this opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas via your blog. To start with, I am a Brand manager at TerraLeads, the first CPA Hub in the world. I started my educational background from studying philology to master the art of word, then, proceeded with economics to learn about the world of finances and manage them effectively. And now I have found my true path, which is marketing and branding.

To be honest, I am really into building the TerraLeads brand as I do believe the Hub is going to be a quality new level of affiliate marketing as a whole.

When you started out with TerraLeads, what were your thoughts in mind? What motivated you to start with affiliate marketing?

When I came to work with TerraLeads, I didn't actually hear anything about a CPA to be called differently rather than a network. I didn't really understand why they called themselves a Hub but that intrigued me a lot as I like everything that's new and that's not like the rest. So acquired a big interest to become a part of something completely innovative and be the one to build it was the main reason I decided to join TerraLeads.

Do you start by choosing an offer, and then building a website/email list/PPC campaign around it, or the other way around (i.e., first build a website or email list and then try to find suitable offers)?

The entire process of creating a new product begins with doing lots of research regarding the most striking people's needs. When we find out the problem, we start developing an individual product formula and design. And on the final stage, when everything is ready, we create pre-landing and landing pages and run A/B split testing before handing them over to our partners for advertising.

What is the biggest mistake I can avoid starting out in Internet Marketing?

When starting your Internet Marketing path as an affiliate, don't try to do everything and everywhere at once. Start with one or two offers and one traffic source. Keep working, testing and improving until you feel a solid ground in what you currently do. And only then you can expand your performance to setting up ad campaigns for other traffic sources, offers and geos.

How TerraLeads can help affiliate marketers in tracking & how they can scale their campaigns? There are so many offers out there to promote. How do I choose the right ones for my ad campaigns?

Well, to help our partners with tracking, we have developed our own in-house tracking system, so there is no approved lead that can pass by your attention. To choose the best converting offers for your ad campaigns, you can always contact your personal Account Manager who will help you make the right choice taking into account your traffic source and the geo you want to run your ad campaigns in.

What affiliate marketing insights have you made for yourself during the past year?

You know, the consumer is getting smarter with every day. So there are fewer ways left to fool them. It's already not enough to create a new fresh creative to make your target audience interested, it's necessary that you, me, and everyone around start digging deeper. Begin your ad campaign with checking the quality of the products you are planning to advertise. In order to make your internet marketing activity a success, ask yourself three questions - "What is my customer's main sore spot?" "Am I able to help them solve their problems?" "What solution do I have?"

Keep in mind that only if you put yourself in your customer's shoes and try to help them find what they are looking for, you can achieve success.

There are lots of affiliate networks in the market nowadays. How does TerraLeads differ from them?

To begin with, TerraLeads is not a network, but a Hub. What is a Hub? - you might ask. It's both an advertiser and a network of publishers all connected in one. There is only one advertiser providing its own products and it is TerraLeads. A usual CPA network is an intermediary between the advertisers and the publishers. And there is no intermediary in the hub.

What affiliate marketing techniques and tools are you most familiar with? And which ones do you enjoy using?

Well, the first thing every affiliate should consider is a reliable tracking system, so no lead gets missed. Everyone will agree that all the efforts one puts for building perfect ad campaigns will turn to be completely useless unless they secure themselves with the best lead tracking system. And actually TerraLeads provides one of the kind, so you can be 100% sure no lead and no approved order will go unnoticed 🙂

You read my book. How was it? And what insights did you gain from it?

Yes, I did read it with pleasure and honestly it took me like several hours, as I was very much into reading 🙂

The main and the most important thing I took for myself from this book is the inspiration to keep going and never give up, though, there might be circumstances and people telling you that you can't do something.

"You don't have to be great at doing something to be passionate about it" - those are the words from your book that keep reminding me that I simply cannot (I am not allowed to) give up on things I love doing and that I am passionate about!! So thank you for that.

What are your marketing plans for the next 5 years with TerraLeads? What other networking events are you planning to attend in 2017?

My own marketing plans for TerraLeads are quite ambitious - to conquer the world, haha! J But seriously, I do believe in the bright future of this amazing company. I am literally in love with what I'm doing every workday and weekday. I am in love with the people I work with - all of them and each one separately are a powerful source of inspiration - they are so different and so amazing!

Regarding the networking events, ohhh, there're gonna be LOTS of them till the end of the year. Amsterdam, Prague, Moscow, New Delhi, London, Bangkok. All the greatest events to meet with the greatest minds of the affiliate world. Oh, and I heard you're going to hold a speech in New Delhi at the IAS17, so good luck with that. I will surely come to hear you speaking 🙂

Where is affiliate marketing going to find itself in the coming 5 years and how are you going to monetize it?

Oh, it's gonna turn into a very competitive market. I already see lots of people rushing to this kind of business, as a) they are free to work for themselves, not some other guy, b) they can do it remotely from their beds or while sitting on the seashore somewhere in Thailand, c) it's one of the most lucrative businesses ever known before.

What am I doing to monetize my own participation in the world of affiliate industry? I already have some ideas and plans, but let's talk about it when everything is set up and works smoothly, so you have just another reason to interview me 🙂

I hope you like this interview with Olga and share your questions in comment box below 🙂

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