Old Tram Brought Back to Life

By Poundtravel

Rasinari commune in Sibiu County is the only one in the country that has a tram. It was brought back to life at the beginning of the year, replaced by one bought in Austria by 6,000 euros. “It has a sentimental value for us,” says the mayor of the commune, who speaks proudly about the attraction of the locality and notes that a new tram could soon be brought to Răşinari.

Beautiful Old Trams in Lisbon, Portugal – YouTube

Aug 22, 2015 Lisbon operates a delightful tram network of quaint old trams that lurch and screech around the narrow streets of the capital.

In 1905 the first tram line was built in Sibiu, and 4 decades later it expanded to Răşinari. In 1969, the local leadership in Sibiu decided to give up this type of transport, the main lines being dismantled over the next 3 years. Only the Cimitir (Sibiu) – Răşinari railway station was preserved until 2012, when the Sibiu City Hall sent the administration of the tram network (Zoological Garden – Răşinari) to the Rasinari commune for a period of 20 years.

At present, a tram built in Switzerland in 1965 circulates on the Zoo – Rasinari route and bought from Austria with 6,000 euros last year. It was repaired in 1983. The tram has 54 seats and connects the two localities only on Sundays. On Sunday, when I approached the Zoo Station in Sibiu, a few dozen people – some with children – were waiting to be transported over time. The tram trip is like in Caragiale’s poetry: “Today, I know it has / Tram. / Dino’s Theater / Climbs and descends, / It’s like it’s at the mill, / Three and four / Ba and five wagons / Coconuts, / Swollen, cooked / And sucked. / And on the tram / Gamma were put / Sum of monsters / Amploits, bekeys, / All gallant cook, / As you know them “. Some “monsters” left with “cocoons” and others – after “cocoons”. I suppose. And some, and others have chosen to do it, crossing the scenic area of ​​the Dumbrava Forest.

History of trams – Wikipedia

The history of trams, streetcars or trolleys began in early nineteenth century. It can be divided ….. in the 1990s the city began to tear out the tram network (which had become rather old and decrepit), but now faced opposition from many citizens …

Those who reach for the first time in Răşinari must know that it is the largest commune in the Mărginimea Sibiului microregion, situated at the confluence of the Steaza River and the Sibişel Creek at an altitude of 573 meters. One of the inhabitants’ occupations was the harvest of fir resin, hence the toponym of the locality. Here also the headquarters of the re-established Orthodox Bishopric of Transylvania, the modest peasant cottage – the residence of the Serbian bishops Ghedeon Nichitici and Gherasim Adamovici – were preserved today. But the old preoccupations have not been preserved. In Răşinari were born great names of Romanian and universal literature: Octavian Goga and Emil Cioran. Metropolitan Andrei Saguna is also buried here.