Old School Yule: Matt Dusk Holiday Q&A and Shortbread Cookie Recipe

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

The smooth sound of Christmas classics can calm and entertain just as much as a rock around the tree or countrified trip home for the holidays. And this year, Matt Dusk has a collection of 16 songs that make the perfect addition to your holiday celebrations.

The Canadian crooner, born and raised in Toronto, has enjoyed a long and successful career, and now he's adding some holiday flavour to his library with the release of Old School Yule! The album is the kind of Christmas record that you can sing along to, or let play in the background while you decorate the tree, bake cookies, or spend time with friends and family.

We had the chance to catch up with Matt for a pre-holiday Q&A to ask about the album, Christmas songs, and his favourite holiday recipe.

Thanks to Matt Dusk for playing along - check out his answers, and enjoy some treats!

Q) What does it feel like to think about people hanging out with friends and family, enjoying the holiday season, and listening to your album?

MD) I like to think that I'm sharing it with them... That I'm an invited guest, full of holiday stories, laughs, great wine and a karaoke machine!

Q) Did singing any of these Christmas classics bring back any memories of the holidays for you?

MD) White Christmas of course! How can you escape the holidays without hearing that song! For me, it was going over to my grandparent's house, and as soon as I entered the house, rushing to the old record player where I'd find a copy of Bing Crosby's White Christmas. I'd press play and be immersed in the memories from the years before. I still get that feeling every time I sing it!

Q) Who would be your dream duet partner on a Christmas song?

MD) Going have to go with Frank Sinatra... I mean who just sings it as it is and sounds amazing all the time. I think he'd sound great just singing a restaurant menu. Ha!

Q) What was your favourite Christmas carol when you were young?

MD) Deck The Halls ... you don't have to know all the words, and can mumble through most of it and sing like a champ when you get to FA LA LA LA LA LA!

Q) Is there anything special on your Christmas list this year?

MD) I know it might sound cliché, but the older I get the more I cherish time with my friends and family. That and a new Lamborghini Huracán 🙂

Q) Do you have a favourite Christmas recipe that you'd like share?

MD) Shortbread cookies! My go to every year! You can't screw up this recipe!

Shortbread Cookies

Makes 8 cookies


❄️ 1 cup All Purpose Flour
❄️ 1/4 cup Sugar
❄️ 1/4 teaspoon Salt
❄️ 1/2 cup (1 stick) Unsalted Butter, chilled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes


1. Preheat oven to 300°F. Lightly butter 9-inch-diameter springform pan. Whisk flour, sugar, and salt in medium bowl to blend. Add 1/2 cup butter and rub in with fingertips until mixture resembles coarse meal. Gather dough together and form into ball; flatten into disk. Roll out dough on lightly floured surface to 1/2-inch-thick round. Transfer round to prepared pan. Using fingers, press dough evenly over bottom to edges of pan. Using tip of small sharp knife, score dough into 8 equal triangles, then pierce all over with fork. Bake until shortbread is cooked through and pale golden, about 45 minutes.

2. Using tip of sharp knife, cut warm shortbread into triangles along scored lines. Run knife around shortbread to loosen. Cool in pan at least 30 minutes. Release springform pan sides. Using spatula, carefully remove shortbread from pan (shortbread will be fragile). DO AHEAD

Can be made 1 day ahead. Store shortbread airtight in single layer at room temperature.

Recipe via epicurious.com