Old House In China Located In Middle Of New Road

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports that in China, an old house sits on the middle of a new road, where an elderly couple has refused to move out. Apparently, the local laws forbid eviction of the family, so if you’re driving through China, add houses-in-the-middle-of-the-road to your obstacles-to-avoid list.

3 Worse Places Your House Could Be Located Than On A Road In China

1. On a road in Manhattan. The “no honking” signs probably won’t discourage local cab drivers.

2. In an NHL-only stadium. Teenage bullies could push your house around the ice, and nobody would be there to stop them.

3. Inside of a series of houses, each larger than the last, in Russia. Living in a Matryoshka dollhouse may sound fun, until a kid starts playing with your house, and removes the top half, and forgets to put it back on before the ice cold Russian winter.