Old Faithful

By Daisyjd

B and I recently set a goal of making it to the new year without relying on take out or delivery food. While we both know an occasional pizza night or order of pho might make its way through, we are trying to cut back on needless calories and spending, due in large part to the fact that the pizza man was over so often he was on the verge of making our Christmas card address list. I try to be realistic when I menu plan and there are a few nights of the week that I know I need something easy or else it isn’t happening. I thought I’d share some of our “old faithful” meals that I always have the items on hand for and was hoping maybe you’d share a few of yours……

1. Pasta with homemade sauce and meatballs. We always, always have a bag or two of Trader Joes frozen meatballs in the freezer, and my pantry always has a few large cans of whole San Marzano tomatoes. These items, combined with the even more staple-staples of pasta, butter and an onion mean I can toss together a batch of Smitten Kitchen’s simple tomato sauce, throw some meatballs in the oven, and boil water for pasta. Voila, dinner.

2. Easy Chinese. This is a freezer meal we always come back to, and while we grab our items at Trader Joes, most grocers have a pretty decent Chinese food freezer section. A bag of Trader Joes orange chicken, another bag of their fried rice (we stick to veggie), and when we are feeling fancy, some frozen egg rolls. I can get the chicken (and egg rolls) in the oven, make the fried rice with a splash of sesame oil, and when I’m feeling particularly grand, a second pan with fried eggs (I recommend Smitten Kitchen’s crispy egg, because of course I do) to top the rice – and boom, Chinese food without delivery. Bonus if you remember to buy soy sauce and siracha.

3. Soup and grilled cheese. Ok this one is cheating because it isn’t pantry staples, but our local grocer has an awesome hot soup bar and an excellent cheese department. Rather than stopping to pick up take out, B can stop and grab us soup and some fancy cheese for an old classic….the other night we had tomato bisque with sandwiches made from aged cheddar. It took me ten minutes to put together and it cost half of an inexpensive pizza delivery.

What about you? What are you easy meals that you always have the items on hand for and can toss together on a moments notice?