Old Bank Antiques in Kirklin, Indiana: Fair Trade Goods

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Kirklin, Indiana: Old Bank Antiques

Don’t let the name fool you: Old Bank Antiques in Kirklin, Indiana is not your typical antique shop!

Though I have nicknamed this Indiana town “antique town,” Old Bank Antiques also specializes in fair trade goods.

Old Bank Antiques in Kirklin, Indiana

It’s unlike anything I’ve found around little Indiana! There’s over thirty countries represented. They range from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

I found colorful baskets crafted from rainbow colored telephone wire. Tagua Nut Rings from the Rain Forest. Bags that have been handmade using vintage Sari.

There’s copper and gold colored picture frames using bracelets from India. Decorative bowls made from papyrus in Kenya. Jewelry in all sorts of colors and styles.

It is a feast for the eyes.

 Indiana Antiques

Kirklin, Indiana: Old Bank Antiques

But then you venture into a section of the shop that’s just loaded with Indiana antiques. Just don’t forget to step inside the vaults! Yes, that is plural.

Here at Old Bank Antiques, as you may have guessed from the name, it was once an old bank. Now there are two vaults with antiques inside. We got to see the working vent inside one of them in case of an emergency.

The prices were so reasonable, if we had had room in our car, I definitely would have gone home with something significantly larger than the Fair Trade Coffee that we purchased.

Our boys were impressed by the vaults and that bit of Indiana history behind it but what really made their day was a dog named Winston. He hangs around the shop and keeps his owner (and the customers) company. What a sweet, sweet boy!

Go There

Kirklin, Indiana: Old Bank Antiques

Fair trade goods, excellent quality antiques, and a unique building to boot! Now that’s a fun day of Clinton County shopping!

What was your favorite find at Old Bank Antiques? Please let me know in the comments below. Just don’t forget to give Winston a pat before you leave.

Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.

Just don’t forget to tell ‘em that  little Indiana sent you!

Old Bank Antiques
109 South Main Street
Kirklin, Indiana 46050

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