Okay, the Denny’s Hobbit Thing Might Be Pretty Perfect, for Some Reason.

By Keewood @sellingeating

Yesterday I was vaguely dismissive of the connection between Denny's and The Hobbit. Today I sort of get it, I think, and I'm enjoying it. Sure. Eat hearty, denizens of Middle Earth.

Every single news outlet I was paying attention to picked the story up yesterday or today.

I think it shows people are amused by saying “Smaug’s Delight” as often as possible. But I think maybe there’s some hard-to-express appropriateness to pairing Tolkien’s greedy little eaters with a diner that never quits filling your coffee until you finally say, “That’s going to do it for me, no more coffee, please, thanks.”

It’s giving people a way to play around with the brand a little (just listen to NPR’s anchor folk in the link under “the story” up there). And some good will. Fans will likely stop in, eat, eat, eat, and talk non-stop about the hermetic little world of the novel.

What more could you ask of a promotion?