Okay, No

By Heather @home_modern

Please forgive my postcard from the edge. I don’t really want us to break up. I still have too much to share. But this has been a good lesson for me in self-regulation. When I set expectations for myself and they become not fun, I need to modify them to keep things fun. I have a full time job. My blog is not going to be the next biggest thing. But if I am ever fortunate enough to get to work with other people (on the side or for fun) on decorating and design projects in their own homes, my blog will be important to showcase that and provide inspiration.

Most importantly, I’m still doing a ton of projects that I want to share. And I’m learning SO much in Sewing Club that I can’t wait to show you. Plus, I’ve had sort of a design epiphany (combined with a feng shui attack) and for once feel like I have a great “design focus” that is probably a bit more traditional than what you would expect from me. I’m stepping up my game and really making an effort to learn more about upholstery, window treatments, sewing, wall coverings, and especially vintage furniture–from the 40s to the 70s and everything in between.

I’m also passing some things along that I’ve used and loved, and starting the hunt for some “new” old things that are really inspiring me right now. I promise to give you first dibs here first on things I’m moving along. In fact, if you’d like to buy our very gently used West Elm Iznik Dhurrie Rug (it’s sold out in this color), it’s on eBay right now.

Thanks for sticking it out with me. There’s lots of good stuff to come and I promise it will be great, it will just be at my own pace.
