OK, Two More Free Plugs and That's It!

By Gardenamateur

I knew the floodgates would open the moment I gave Fair Dinkum Seeds a free plug in my last post. Well, maybe 'floodgates' is a bit strong to describe 'one more', but this is definitely my last free plug… well, for 2014 that is.

I decided to relent because this is such a nice idea, a good story, a local story in fact, and I like helping people to get started. And in the case of Katherine Eaton and her sculptural garden tools, that's exactly what she's trying to do: get started.

Katherine is a student at the Design Centre Enmore (and Enmore is my next-door suburb, so that's almost as local as it gets) and she's trying to raise the funds to get her sculptural garden tools project off the ground. 

Rather than try to explain it all here, all you have to do is visit this page (linked to below) at the Indiegogo website, where Katherine has put together a very good video explaining the evolution of her design project. And if you're interested you can pre-order your own beautifully designed hand tools, or if you prefer, toss in a few bucks to help Katherine meet her initial funding target. Good luck Katherine, I hope it all works out brilliantly for you!


So, where's the second free plug? Oh, they haven't asked for one, but I was so impressed by a new gardening blog called The Plant Hunter that recently won an award in the Australian Blog Awards, that I thought I'd just mention it, just in case you're bored with me and all the regulars you visit.

Here's that award-winning blog, well worth a visit:


And if you just love blogs of any kind, there are some sensational (non-gardening) blogs to check out at the Awards. I really like the "Hello May" weddings photography blog, some very nice pix there, but all the others are worth a browse, especially the overall winner, a food blog called The Hungry Australian.


And so that's it, freebie publicity seekers! No more for 2014, no matter how heart-rendingingly compelling your struggle against the odds has been. I'm in Grinch mode for the rest of the year (but good luck, Katherine!).