Oil Treatment for Glowing Hair

Posted on the 07 May 2014 by Health_news

Everyone wishes to sport healthy, shiny hair with spending exorbitantly on pricey treatments and products. Women have used oiling method since times immemorial as one of the best DIY methods that helps them to sport shiny and glowing hair. All natural oils were used preferably. These days, the most popular oils that help in sporting shiny hair are coconut oil, argan oil, macadamia nut oil and more. There are several other options as well like lustre, gloss etc. Many people face the challenge of coarse or extra fine hair that creates a lot of problems when it comes to managing hair. Many hair specialists suggest use of moisture rich serums that suit all hair types and these are available easily in kitchens and local health food stores.

Using oil for glowing hair

Oils meant for hair are a great way to provide hydration and nourishment to the hair. The oil also provides necessary minerals and vitamins that are important for the good health of hair. If a person suffers from itchy scalp, these oils can help in bringing a lot of relief from this situation. Acting as perfect cure, these natural oils have high fat content that gets absorbed in the skin bringing about instant soothing sensation to the scalp reducing irritation and getting rid of dryness. If hair is oiled once or twice in a week, the hair will sport a shiny look. Dry tresses will no longer haunt you. One must use finger tips to massage the scalp so that oil is seeped inside the scalp easily. The oil must be brushed starting from the roots and going to the ends. This way the entire mane gets saturated. After oiling, hair can be shampooed and conditioned normally. Hot oil treatment can be taken once in a while as hot oil gets easily absorbed. The oil can be heated in a microwave and coat the hair evenly. The oil must not be scalding hot, it should just be lukewarm. After oiling, a wet, warm towel can be wrapped around the scalp to allow oil penetrate inside the scalp. Hair can be washed after half an hour.

Oil for thin hair-Rosemary oil

For extra thin hair, rosemary oil has proven to be simply great. It can be mixed with natural oils and is perfect for stimulating hair follicles. The oil is rich in calcium, iron, and Vitamin B and helps in boosting shine, color, thickness, anti aging effects and prevents loss of hair.

Oil for Wavy Hair- Sweet almond oil

Rich in Vitamins A, E and B, sweet almond oil just like other nut oils helps in healing split ends, brings about an improvement in the blood circulation in scalp thereby producing strong hair. At the same time, this oil also adds shine and luster to the otherwise dull hair. UV protection is added by the fatty acids present in the oil and deflects harmful rays.

Oil for Coarse Hair- Avocado oil

This oil is rich in amino acids and proteins and is perfect for coarse hair.

Regular oiling can help hair to stay shiny and glowing