“Oh Well, She’s Just a Nigger Anyway”

Posted on the 29 September 2016 by Calvinthedog

Hasbrudal writes:

I’m curious about something.

Are there any studies about the violent crime rate of middle class and higher blacks vs the crime rate for the population as a whole and the middle class and higher as a whole? What are the numbers for blacks vs the population as for white collar crimes considering blacks lower propensity to be in a position to commit those crimes?

Those numbers would give some indication of how much is nature vs nurture in black propensity for violent criminality and criminality overall.

This is a very interesting question. Racists of course are going to say “a nigger’s an nigger.” Go on over to Niggermania and read their forum – that’s precisely what they say. Pretty much all Blacks are no good, and that’s that.

They do acknowledge a creature known as the “magic nigger” or “magic Negro” to be more PC about it. According to the Niggermania folks, magic niggers are no more than 10% of the population. A magic nigger is a Black person who is either highly intelligent, accomplished or who behaves quite well, within the standards of say your typical White American town or city. In other words, they act about as good as your average White person.

Now the magic niggers are a big problem for the racists over at Niggermania because they violate one of the central tenets over there, that all Blacks are no good.

I forget how they deal with this.

I think one way they deal with it is to say that 10% isn’t enough to make a race any good.

They also sometimes say, “Well you just wait. Even in that magic nigger, the nigger’s going to come out of him at some point. It has to. He can’t help it. Even magic niggers are not worth the risk. Stay away!”

So in saying that even magic niggers are rather racially tainted, they deal with this problem by saying that magic niggers are no good either because you never know when their Inner Nig is going to come out. So even though he seems nice and normal now, you just wait.

This mindset puts a lot of pressure on Blacks who behave well.

A Black female friend once told me that she tries to avoid anger because if she gets mad, then people will just say that’s her Inner Nigger coming out. She put it to me like this:

“See, if I get real angry, that won’t work because then they will just say, ‘Oh well, she’s just a nigger anyway’.”

So well behaved Blacks have to act extra special good in light of stereotypes about their behavior to make sure they are not playing into those stereotypes. In a lot of ways, they have to act even better than the rest of us do just to be considered normal. See? Now if I get angry, how many are going to say, “Well figures, he’s just another White trash White person. White people are always getting angry. It’s in their blood. They’re an inferior race of cavemen!”? Hardly anyone is going to say that. So you see I have a lot more freedom to act any way I want to than a lot of Blacks who are afraid of setting off stereotypes. Isn’t that rather sad?