Oh Spring You Most Welcomed Thing!

By Coreyamaro

Last Sunday was the first day of this year that I walked around carrying my coat, allowing myself to be carried away by the scent of Spring in the air. Then Sunday opened the door to Monday, yesterday to today and I didn't even bother to take a coat. Don't you love that distinct change that the seasons bring, the slight temperature drop, that tiniest hints of perfumed flowers in the air, the red robin's extra round belly with its button-ready-to-pop-red-vest?

I do.


Violets are popping up in the garden of the tiny house. I went to visit Maggie to see how she was recovering. Her recent surgery reminds me of when I twisted my foot in Thailand... how I longed to be in the comfort of my own home, yet the desire to see more and continue to China beckoned me to drag onward. Maggie has Italy to whisper healing thoughts as she hopes to visit there next week or so.

I spent the day doing laundry which is not on my list of favorite things to do. I had four sets of bed linens to wash, and three beds to make, and a stack of towels a mile high to fold and put away.

Spring cleaning? Everyday feels like spring cleaning. House work is endless. No I do not have a house keeper. I have a house keeper workout instead, a gym with one and a half members (I will give French Husband some credit.) Members do house-cleaning for exercise: Dust, scrub, shake, brush, sweep, mop, rinse... Carrying the vacuum cleaner up and down two flights of stairs makes me feel like an ironman.

I am easily amused. 

Violets why do you have to be so darn cute?

Oh Spring you most welcomed thing don't go away too far, I do not want to wear a coat in July in Paris you hear?