Oh Shittt: Pierre Karl Peladeau Edition

Posted on the 10 March 2014 by Jennifervillamere
K, here's what's happening:
  • Pierre Karl Peladeau going to run as a Parti Quebecois candidate in Quebec's provincial election, which is on April 7. 
  • This dude is a sovereigntist. Which, in ROC (that's "Rest of Canada," eh?) is what we call a separatist
  • Here is his picture. Warning: Do not be mesmerized by his Superman eyes. The evil separatist sheen has been removed à la Photoshop.

  • Peladeau is the former CEO of Quebecor, which owns a million things, including Sun Media newspapers and the Sun News Network. He's so rich he's referred to in the press as "a baron."
  • In Quebec, he's considered a super-sexy, smart, wealthy, celebrity candidate. He's a real "get" for the Parti Quebecois. 
  • He's going to run in the riding of Saint-Jerome, which is north of Montreal.
  • This whole thing is bulllshit for people who would prefer that maybe Quebec not separate and Canada just stay together as one nice big country that includes its most awesome and also its most belle province.