- I’m tired. Really tired. Seriously considered taking today off for personal health tired. I went to bed half an hour later than usual last night, but we slept pretty well and got up at 6 am.
- My mom babysat on Fri night so I could shop for my family photo shirt. I need to go out by myself more often - it was good for my soul.
- We had a really nice weekend. Family photos, Harry & I took an hour long walk on Sat, some chores/errands, church, loafing.
- On mornings I wake up with Harry I realize I don’t pee until Harry & hubs leave for the day. That’s, like, 2 hours after I wake up. That can’t be good.
- I vaccuumed the house and did a couple loads of laundry before I started working this morning. Maybe that’s why I’m tired?
Oh, Monday