Oh Lorde, She’s on a Roll [stream]

Posted on the 06 June 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Though the sixteen-year-old, double platinum labeled Kiwi, Lorde, only recently delivered her latest single, “Tennis Court”, she also chose to release a cover originally by The Replacements (and adopted electronically by Kindness) as a thank you to her fans. The song in question is the appropriately titled  ”Swingin’ Party”, which perfectly suits the youngin’s ominous, drone-electronic style. Accompanied by only an organ-like synth, a walking-paced beat and some minor sound effects, the song highlights the songstress’ uniquely cloudy vocals that led to her fame in the first place. Expect to see her in headlines around the world very soon, particularly after the release of her full EP, Tennis Courts, on July 22nd.