Oh Land, Savoir Adore Glammed Music Hall of Williamsburg [photos]

Posted on the 19 December 2011 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Oh Land’s (@ohlandmusic) headlining performance this past Monday at Bowery Ballroom was my first time at the venue, and, while it took over an hour for me to navigate coat check after the show, the overall experience was great. For a photographer wanting to walk around and gain different perspectives, Bowery is perfect — a reasonably sized space with an appropriate capacity.

Openers Savoir Adore (@savoiradore) definitely didn’t disappoint. They spent little time between songs, instead staying intently focused on their music and impressing with a combination of Paul Hammer’s energetic passion  and Deidre Muro’s innate softness. The band still kept a sense of humor, though. A friend of theirs came onto stage for the last song and released a remote control helium balloon shark. Deidre ended up grabbing the shark and pretending to sing with it into the mic.

Oh Land opened up her show by acknowledging that the full moon might make her act a bit crazy — needless to say, this only served to build the audiences anticipation. Her music was beautiful, exciting and rhythmic, creating a dance dreamscape with unique qualities similar to Bjork. The drummer’s performance also created immense energy that she echoed in dance. In fact, I later learned she used to be a devoted ballet performer. She wore a beautiful red dress that was covered in strings, which fell to the floor mimicking her movements. Taking to the stage with great confidence, she had many joyous, friendly interactions with the audience and turned everyone attending into even bigger fans.

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