Oh, Hope.

By Chelsey5 @chelseysullivan

As you all know, Hope is now 1-year-old.

In my world a changing of age can only mean one thing……..time for a photo shoot!

Before her party I attempted to have a 1-year-old photo shoot with Hope.

Lets just say this did not go as well as I had planned.

Instead of just snapping a few cute pictures of her…..

I had to chase her all around and beg her to even look at me!

She was ignoring me completely!

She looked into the camera maybe 5 times the whole time.

She was much more interested in eating rocks than she was at looking at me.

So needless to say round 2 of photos will have to commence at a later date.

(Like when my quads are no longer sore from doing the up down, up down race of chasing a toddler for her photo.)

Now as I mentioned she did look at me about 5 times I managed to capture 3 of those.

Here is the first shot that kinda gives away how the rest of the shoot went.

She is showing right away that she is very unhappy that mommy keeps putting this annoying camera right in her face!

This is a chair that I refurbished just for the photo shoot. (Blog about that coming soon!)

Do you think she was excited about sitting in it?

That would be a NO!


Standing next to it was not as bad apparently.

Though now she refused to look at me or the camera.

Except for this time with a less than amused face and a little boogie problem.

Then I did manage to get her to look at me for a moment and I got one shot that was cute.

She really is quite a precious doll face when she wants to cooperate.

I liked a few from round 1 of one year photos but I will be taking her out to try again.

I may have to bring her daddy with me next time so he can be a goof ball behind me so she will actually look at the camera!

Whether the shot is bad, good or in between, I still love to look at her sweet little face.

My precious 1-year-old.