Oh Hey There, 2nd Trimester

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

So Yesterday I hit 14 weeks, which means that we are officially in the 2nd trimester.

I almost missed it, and honestly, had to look up my little “preggo tracker” to remember what week we were on.

It’s not that I’m not excited.  I am, even more so maybe than with the first, because most of the fear is gone.  With our pregnancy with Henry I was sure that something was wrong all the time.  We called our poor midwife constantly with little worries.

This time, not only am is busier than I was then, I just assume that everything is going well, so I tend to lose track.  Plus, I was pregnant with Miles this time last year so it’s all pretty fresh on the mind!

So, anyway, that’s why the post is coming atcha a day late.

Random craving: anything cheese.

I was at target tonight picking up one of these things:

…so that I can keep an eye on my weight during pregnancy (aiming to gain right at 30 lbs.) and I passed those giant plastic buckets of “cheeze balls” and they looked DELICOUS.

So weird.

I didn’t buy them, but I did cave and buy these:

Ugh.  Love these things.  They aren’t terrible, especially where candy is concerned.  No HFCS, or artificial anything.  They are even colored with carrots.  I put them in this cute jar so as to monitor my snacking

Ok, so back to pregnancy.  It seems like everyone I know is sick, has been, or is on their way to being.  Considering the baby I am nursing, and the baby I am growing, it is imperative that I not catch the flu.  So, I have been downing Terrible Tonic as though I like it. (I don’t, I mean, it’s disgusting).  But the stuff works, so I’m having it every day.  Plus, there’s no freaking way I’m getting the FLU SHOT.

PS – have you read THIS ARTICLE documenting the >4000% rise in fetal death when the mother was given the flu shot?

Shocking, sad, true.

Ok so back to tonic.  Considering the amount that I am consuming these days, it’s nice to find a cheap and healthy way to cut corners, which is why I was pleased to find this:

Alright, down the hatch…

live well. be well.