Ogoni to Storm Abuja to Protest Failure of Environmental Program

Posted on the 15 July 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by allAfrica:

The Ogoni have concluded arrangements to storm Abuja to protest the delay in the implementation of the United Nations Environment Programme report, UNEP, on Ogoni area.

Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People, MOSOP, in a statement, yesterday [Thursday 10 July 2014], said the body had constituted a team to lead the protest.

President of the organisation, Mr. Legborsi Pyagbara, gave the names of members of the team set up for the protest as Gani Topba, Chairman; Bari-ara Kpalap, Secretary; Prince Biira, Elvis Ikoma, Martin Nchima Sampson and Legborsi Abaadam as members.

He said: “Following the expiration of the ultimatum given to the Nigeria Government to emplace a genuine and transparent process of implementing the UNEP report on Ogoniland, MOSOP has inaugurated an organising committee to execute the planned protest in Abuja, Nigeria.

“The team is to mobilise the Ogoni people and arrange all necessary logistics to ensure that the proposed peaceful march is successful in all ramifications.”