Off Shoulder

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

It’s no secret that I like a little off shoulder-action, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I ever thought about wearing a jumpsuit this way.
I could pretend having a creative and inventive moment yesterday which brought me to the idea, but the truth went something like this. I was rushing out of my house, trying to get dressed, eating a sandwich and doing my make up all at the same time. While I was putting on mascara which isn’t a great thing to do while chewing, I looked in the mirror and saw that I hadn’t put this new, super comfy utility jumpsuit on properly – one arm was in my sleeve and wasn’t – and I realized that I actually kind of liked the look of it. So I left it that way, easy as that. Being a sucker for asymmetry and adding a little unexpectedness to my looks, I was pretty pleased with myself. I might not be some creative genius, but stumbling on an idea by accident every now and then works well enough for me.

Utility jumpsuit (which also looks very good when worn properly): ASOS White
T-shirt: Weekday
Trainers: K-Swiss