Of Old Boyfriend shirts..Refashion

By Ziamisra
So technically I am not sure if I can call my husbands old shirt as a boyfriend shirt - but what the heck..you get the drift...rite???!!?

So anyways, my hubs had this old shirt that he didn't like anymore so I thought of doing some DIY project on it to see if I can save it and turn it into one of my wardrobe staples..I mean who doesn't love a good button down huh?So firstly I fitted the shirt a bit by sewing along the sides of the sleeve and the insides..and added a few rhinestones on the collar and the pocket and voila!! I have a new shirt in a cute icy-grey-blue shade..(don't have any other term for this color..and I thought girly colors were difficult to describe - fuchsia and mauve and the likes..huh?)How do like my new look with the refashioned shirt? Would you try something like this out of your mans' shirts?

Merry Christmas dolls! Have a great one!

So here's a pic of the original shirt..

  And pictures below of the shirt after the girly transformation!