Of Course God Exists, But I Sure As Hell Ain’t Gonna Worship Him!

Posted on the 03 April 2014 by Calvinthedog

From here:

The Nay Theist is not an atheist or agnostic — he is well aware of the existence of the gods (or God), and freely admits it; he just refuses to worship them, or to “believe” in them in any strong Spiritual sense beyond merely acknowledging the fact of their existence.

Hahahaha! That is so cool! Of course God exists, that’s obvious. But He is utterly unworthy of worship!

What about someone who acknowledges that God exits, but refuses to worship the Bastard, and instead jumps out of bed every morning, middle finger aloft, shouting, “F-U God!”

Sure God exists, and I hate him! I sure as Hell ain’t gonna worship that sonofabitch!

You could always take it further. You could acknowledge that God exists, meet the Scumbag in a drunken bar, pull out a knife and stab him and end all of our misery at once.

Sure God exists, and I’m going to kill him!

Is that a NayTheist?

Then there are Satanists, who believe that God exists, but they hate him and instead worship his enemy, Satan. That would probably fall more under Theistic Satanism.

I guess this falls under Evil Post of the Day. Maybe I should start a new blog category?