OECD-WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA) - OECD Statistics

By Darthclavie @DarthClavie
Date: 2017-04-06 04:30 More videos "Economic value added research design"

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Many of us indulge in long hours of discussions trying to prove that social media is bringing value to our businesses. If you ask me, the best way to check is to simply measure it! Conversation rate = # of audience comments (or replies) per post As Avinash says, "One beautiful thing... you can measure this on every social channel on the planet. Blog. Twitter. Facebook. Google Plus. YouTube."
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Index of Economic Freedom - Conservative Policy Research

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I was concerned that your metrics approach would be too discouraging for the little guy. I m the little guy, and my clients are mostly even littler guys. Admittedly, Ashton has more of a following, but to us, you are also one of those people who enjoy benefits from the celebrity factor. However, your point that even small numbers can work is encouraging.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco | Research, Economic

I hope that adds to your framework have you written a post/have a deck on the future intersection of site-based analytics with social media monitoring tools and social media platform based analytics . Facebook Page Insights?

September 2010 - The National Bureau of Economic Research

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Neben der zitierten Facebook-Hilfe habe ich den offiziellen Facebook-Guide genutzt. Diesen gibt es mittlerweile auch in deutscher Sprache. Für den nächsten Teil des Guide bildet ein Blog-Beitrag von Aviansh Kaushik eine wichtige Grundlage.
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Blog comments feel good. Every time you leave a smart piece of feedback on an influencer's post, you're validating the thought and effort they put into the piece. Do it enough, and he or she will come to see you as a supporter and be more amenable to other avenues and levels of engagement. The same goes for small interactions on the social web, including shares, "applause" (Avinash Kaushik's term for positive social signals like +6s, likes, favorites), and replies.
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Then do more of the type that increase amplification. You ll get more sharing and spreading of your content. But this is very, very important: You ll be giving your audience content they consider to be of such incredible value that they want to share it (and hence you ll know what your audience wants / loves).

Clearly Chewy doing better but the metrics are only marginally better for Chewy and better for PetSmart across Instagram and Twitter because of sheer volume of fans even of only a tiny fraction engage.

Gini measures differences in income between a state in which all households in the population have the same income and the Lorenz curve which measures the actual distribution. Country scores on the Gini index range from a low of 78 in Sweden to a high of 65 or more in several African nations. The quintile dispersion method shows that the ratio of the lowest to highest income groups ranges from in Japan, in Germany, and in India, to in USA, in China, in Brazil and times in Sierra Leone. 69

G ec is intended to measure income inequality against a standard of 'optimal welfare inequality', which can be defined as that the lowest level of inequality compatible with the highest level of overall human economic welfare for the society as a whole.

Even though some re-post a blog, they change some text, but dont even bother to mention the source. The original writer doesnt get noticed, the person copying the post does. Lot of 589 duplicate 589 post blogs have spoilt the real blog world, which makes it worse day by day!

"Economic value added research design" in pictures. More images "Economic value added research design".