October Wrap Up + November TBR

By Jazmin-Jade

Hey there guys! I am going to be introducing just short and simple wrap ups to my blog to keep you guys up to date on what happened to me during the month, as well as to keep me up to date. Sometimes I swear I have done so much more that I have. This month is no exception. The books I read this month are:

Yep, that’s right. Two. Just two. I really thought I had read at least three but apparently not! I was supposed to have reviews up for these books by now because I received them both for review from the publisher, but I got busy and didn’t get a chance. I didn’t really like either of these two books so the reviews fell to the not-really-important section of my brain. Expect the reviews to pop up in the next week or so.

Now for the TBR, I think this is going to change depending on what I get done in the AYearAThon read-a-thon over the next week, so if you want to see that TBR lost check it out here. Some other books I want to get read this month are:

I really hope to have a good reading month since I haven’t had a great one lately.

Till Next Time…