October Goals

By Alyssa_dld @alyssa_dld
I feel like time moves differently now that I am working full-time and no longer in school.  Before the year was broken up with many breaks--Thanksgiving break, long holiday break, spring break, and of course, the whole summer's off thing.  Now, I consider myself lucky to get a three day weekend.  I think that's why it feels like time moves more quickly now.  Summer passed by in a blink of an eye and now September is gone as well.
I think tomorrow I am going to wake up and it will be 2013.
All that to say, it's time to recap the September goals and lay out the October goals!
Goal 1.  Strength train 3 times a week.   CHECK!
I've been going back through my workouts from Best Body Bootcamp and they have been working my muscles! It's also been helping me get my butt to the gym! 
Goal 2.  Clean apartment weekly.   CHECK!
The weekly cleaning marathon usually happened on Saturday, but the apartment was cleaned every week.  I've been trying to make more of an effort to do a little bit of cleaning during the week as well.  That way the tasks don't become overwhelming.  I'm still amazed that I can make so many dishes in one day though!
Goal 3.  Floss regularly. well....
I can't say I've been flossing every day, but I have been flossing much more often.  Honestly, before I only flossed when I had something stuck in my teeth or the week leading up to a dentist appointment.  So really, any flossing would have been an improvement.  I've been leaving the floss on the bathroom counter so I always see it when I brush my teeth.  The visual reminder helped me because I don't really think about flossing usually.
Goal 4.  Compete in one more triathlon. CHECK!
Finished Iowa's Best Dam Triathlon on September 16! Even if it was super hard, it was a great way to round out the triathlon year.  Now I am enjoying the off-season by doing strength training and taking different classes at the gym.  I'm already thinking about what I want to do next year!
3 out of 4 ain't bad.
Now onto the goals for October!
Goal 1. Budget, budget, budget. And follow that budget.
I did this for several months in a row and the beginning of the year, but then I stopped.  It's likely that I put the kabosh on the budgeting because I wanted to go on a Target shopping binge.  But as much as I hate to admit it, Christmas will be here before I know it so I should start saving up now.  The Farmer and I are also thinking about a ski vacation this winter and this time I would like to not stay in the dumpiest cheapest hotel I can find.  Savings mode.
Goal 2.  Try a new class at the gym.
Last time I made this goal, it took me 6 months to make it happen.  This time I have approximately 26 days.  I would like to try out a yoga, Pilates, or barre class.  Now that I am not training for any races, I have no excuse not to try something else!
Goal 4. Send cards to 4 friends.  
Getting mail is a huge highlight of my day, so I would like to share that joy with others.  I have several cards I've picked up for friends, but they are just sitting in my desk waiting to be sent.
Goal 5. Try a new recipe.  
I hardly ever follow recipes when cooking.  And I tend to eat the same things often-stir fry, pasta, salad, eggs, random mixtures from ingredients in the fridge.  I'm in a little bit of a rut and I need to try something new.  I definitely like to try new things, but sometimes when I am going to be the only one eating it, I just say forget it and eat cereal for dinner.  So this month I will try at least one new-to-me recipe!