
By Bloggerfather @bloggerfather
There are two events I wanted to mention (or remind people about), and they're both coming up in October, which makes coming up with a title for this post a very easy thing. And I like easy.

The 17th annual At-Home Dads convention is on October 6th in DC. There's still time to register and have the opportunity to meet other stay-at-home-dads from all over the country. Even tough I've been at home for over four years, this will be my first time attending, so I can't give my own impression of the event, but I'm sure it will be fun. Some of the dads from the Baltimore SAHD group will be there with me, including Will, who writes the B-More Dad Blog, so no matter what, at least I know I'll have a drinking buddy.
One thing to note about the conference is that Huggies, yes, THAT Huggies, is one of the sponsors. According to the organizers of the conference, Huggies will also be providing diapers and wipes for needy families in the DC area. I was pro-Huggies when other blogging dads attacked the company for portraying dads as dumb stereotypes, then I was anti-Huggies when other blogging dads forgave them, because that's how I roll, and now I'm happy to say Huggies are definitely the good guys. Marketing and branding and stereotypes are all important, but sponsoring a stay-at-home-dads convention definitely shows Huggies is putting their money where their misguided stereotypes of dads used to be. All is forgiven, plus Huggies gets a free get-out-of-jail card.

A week later, on October 13th, I will be participating in the Baltimore Running Festival. I've written about it before, so this is just a reminder that the Cure JM Foundation, which was started by Kevin from the Always Home and Uncool blog, and by his wife after their daughter was diagnosed with the disease, has a team running in the marathon. You can read more about the disease and about Kevin's daughter on his blog, where you can help by voting for the charity in the Chase Community Giving Facebook page (which means they might get a large grant from Chase). You can also go to my very own FirstGiving page, and donate to the charity directly from there. Some of the people who run on behalf of Cure JM will run the 5K, and some will run the full marathon. It's all very exciting, and I hope I can get more people to vote for the charity or to donate to the cause. Please, people.