October 14th Is... (Includes Printable Freebies)

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies

October 14th is... Winnie-the-Pooh's Birthday, National Dessert Day, Be Bald and Free Day / Bald is Beautiful Day, National FRUMP Day,
national lower case day, National Take Comfort Day, National Chocolate Covered Insect Day, World Hospice and Palliative Care Day
PLUS - interesting books to read and free printables, papercrafts, kid crafts, activities and coloring pages...
Photo credit: Winnie The Pooh,
by Darrell Taylor on Flickr

Some rights reserved

Winnie-the-Pooh's Birthday 1926
- the date of the first printing of the book Winnie-the-Pooh. A. A. Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh after a teddy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne, who was the basis for the character Christopher Robin.
Read: The Complete Tales and Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh
-- In 1926, the world was introduced to a portly little bear named Winnie-the-Pooh. Along with his young friend, Christopher Robin, Pooh delighted readers from the very beginning.
His often befuddled perceptions and adorable insights won the hearts of everyone around him, including his close group of friends.
From the energetic Tigger to the dismal Eeyore, A. A. Milne created a charming bunch, both entertaining and inspirational. These simple creatures often reflected a small piece of all of us: humble, silly, wise, cautious, creative, and full of life.
Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities and Crafts:
114 Winnie the Pooh coloring pages
Winnie the Pooh Disney Printables
Winnie The Pooh Activity and Color Pages | A to Z Kids Stuff
Winnie The Pooh Paper Craft
Pooh Crafts | Pooh Currency | Pooh Printables | Pooh Sticks
Throw a Craft Party With Your Kids for Winnie the Pooh's Birthday

National Dessert Day
- For just one day, forget about the calories and high fat content in many desserts. Make your own desserts, buy them at the store, or go out to a restaurant and enjoy a dessert, or two. Make sure to have dessert with family or friends.
Be Bald and Free Day / Bald is Beautiful Day
- a day that we can stop hiding and finally start celebrating what haunts many individuals all over the world. Today, being bald is beautiful. There will be no hats, crooked toupees, or cover ups of any sort. Let it shine!
National FRUMP Day
- In honor of Frugal, Responsible, Unpretentious, Mature Persons, why not be a little frumpy today?
national lower case day
- today is a day to toss out the capitals and write everything in lower case or small letters!
National Take Comfort Day
- Remember to take very good care of yourself. Whether or not you live in a cold climate, homemade soup is purely this---a bowl of comfort that reinforces the body and soul against cold weather, or a bad day at the office.
National Chocolate Covered Insect Day
- Would you try chocolate covered insects for a sweet treat today? Not me! But if you are brave, just close your eyes and bite!
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day
- a unified day of action to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world. Voices for Hospices is a wave of concerts taking place on World Hospice and Palliative Care Day every two years.

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