Darron Marks, a Soul Hunter, is on a mission to recover the Seer from a Psyche ward when he finds a blue and black haired female assassin is protecting her. Events are set in motion that leaves Darron questioning his gifts, his need for revenge, and the need to bond for love rather than a business arrangement.Tabitha, a New Soul, finds herself at a crossroad after meeting the Awakener of Souls. Follow the Council of Souls and bond to the Hound, or turn her back on all that she knows to take her place as the last Advisor to the Awakener and begin a new life.
The Awakener Series
♥FREE * FREE♥Meet the Author
She is a mother of three kids and a navy wife. Writing is her passion that has helped her through many of her husband’s deployments. She loves running marathons and half marathons with her husband and friends. She enjoys the quiet moments of her day where she can sit and recharge.
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