
By Ashleylister @ashleylister
You want a mind-blowingly open-to-interpretation prompt for the latest batch of Dead Good blog posts? Try this... Object (BOOM!)   If you can overlook the disconnect that comes with considering “object” as the subject, it’s still tough to think of a word better equipped to transport the imagination. You only need to look at other recent posts to see examples of how “object” might impact writers.   As you may have figured, something that fascinates me about “object” is that--just like  “overlook”, “disconnect”, “subject”, “transport”, “impact” and (gosh, they’re everywhere) “figure”--it’s seemingly just a mild-mannered noun, but also a word that can step up, take names and kick ass as a verb.   Like many such double-identity words, it has its accent on the first syllable when it’s wearing its geeky noun specs and accented on the last syllable when it changes into the cape and spandex of its verb identity.   Even if you remain unconvinced that a word can fly, consider “object's" many, seemingly disparate, meanings--several of which suggest some kind of challenge or conflict: It’s a goal! It’s the recipient of an action! No—it’s an unspecified visible thing! Or if you object to something, your response may involve going all out in your protest against it or perhaps weakly expressing your mild distaste for it.   The dictionary will tell you that the Latin roots of “object” (whether as a noun or verb) refer to something thrown in one's path--an obstacle to be acknowledged and, if possible, overcome. An unexpected illness that changes the plans of a day or a lifetime. A rival in love or in the workplace. Or perhaps just the lure of that gooey chocolate brownie when you’re trying to drop a pound or six.Such conflict is the stuff of drama and, of course, the stuff of life itself. All too often, the first difficulty lies in recognising the true nature of the objects that crowd in on our lives and those of people around us; thereafter, the challenge, how best to respond to them?   Thanks for reading, Alison Raouf Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
