Obeo - the Fuss Free Way to Deal with Food Waste

By Lancashirefood

If you have been reading this blog for a while you may have noticed that we are passionate about supporting the local environment and as such we compost and recycle as much of our household waste as possible.
We have a three bay New Zealand bin system in the garden which produces general compost for use around the garden as a soil improver,we are also provided by our local authority a "brown " wheelie bin for compostable garden waste which is collected fortnightly and taken to a local composting site for bulk recycling.
Obeo is an Irish Company which came up with the idea of marketing a strong durable resealable brown bag which can be used to collect and store kitchen food wastes suitable for inclusion in municipal composting schemes.
We were sent a sample pack of 5 bags for us to review and trial in our kitchen, we have just recycled the last bag, so that 5 pack lasted a 2 person household just shy of a month, not bad in my humble opinion.
I am pleased to report that the bags delivered as promised and didn't leak, only on one occasion did I have an issue with the base of the bag becoming slightly moist and mouldy and I think that might have been due to the weather conditions at the time, as it was very hot and humid.
As we aren't encouraged locally to include actual cooked food waste in our municipal compost stream, our bags were used for fruit and vegetable peelings, teabags, coffee grounds, etc. Normally these would go directly onto the compost heap so we did try composting the bags also, obviously we are only a month later but the bags on the heap are still intact and look like they will take some time to break down. Ever one to try all avenues I have also placed a couple of bags in our brown waste wheelie bin too.

For everyone who hates trailing out the compost bin / wheelie bin and detests the dreaded bin juice the bags are ideal as they will sit quite neatly on your counter top for a few days whilst you fill them with no noticeably smell or leaky juices. No smell yucky kitchen caddy to handle either, just straight in the brown bin.
I also noticed on facebook that Obeo is being stocked now by Booths, fabulous local supermarket chain in the North West of England, so today whilst in store I actively sort them out and there they were on the shelf for sale, at £2.99 for 5 bags. Not sure whether its all Booths stores or just selected I think the price may put some people off , but if more people buy then I am sure the price will come down further.
Lucky reader if you fancy trying out Obeo for yourself, we have two months supply to give away free, just by entering our rafflecopter widget below.
Normal rules apply, UK and Ireland enterants only please
a Rafflecopter giveaway