Obama to Meet with Islamists

Posted on the 06 August 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Mike L.
The snippet below was written by Moner Adib for the Egypt Independent.
U.S. President Barack Obama has agreed to meet with Muslim Brotherhood representatives at the White House, sources told Egypt Independent.
Obama would reportedly meet with Brotherhood officials to "hear their opinion" on developments in Egypt, in the presence of Turkish diplomats.
Egypt Independent heard from sources inside the Muslim Brotherhood that Islamist-linked billionaire Hassen Malek requested a meeting through Obama's office manager.
The meeting with Turkish officials is expected to take place this month.
Turkish diplomats are expected to push for Mohamed Morsy's reinstatement as Egyptian president, sources said, if not that the Muslim Brotherhood would be assured of political survival following a month-long violent stand-off with the armed forces in the wake of Morsy's overthrow.
I suppose what is most notable is how quickly the Obama administration so openly embraced a political movement that is virulently anti-American, oppressive of women, murderous toward Gays, and genocidal towards Jews.
This pandering to the Islamist hard-right by an allegedly "liberal" president is a remarkable development and one that mainly goes undiscussed.  It is, however, entirely consistent with the general trend within progressive-left circles to see political Islam as an ally against "western imperialism."  Furthermore, it is entirely consistent with Obama's support for the "Arab Spring" which was, in reality, support for the rise of political Islam throughout the Middle East.
How it is that an American president, with roots in Islam and a former president of the Harvard Law Review, does not understand that political Islam (or radical Islam) is a fascistic movement in opposition not only to American values, but to America, itself, is fascinating.
This kind of thing represents the direct betrayal of everything that Obama was supposed to stand for when I voted for him in 2008.  In fact, Obama's embrace of political Islam is a betrayal of western liberal values, period.
If we care a whit about what we allegedly stand for then we should not be supporting regimes and political movements that are directly in opposition to those values and interests.  The Muslim Brotherhood had extensive ties with the Nazis, for crying out loud, and western Jews are supposed to consider that irrelevant?
Sayyid Qutb, one of the founders of the Brotherhood - back in the day in Cairo - despised the Jewish people.  In his work Our Battle with the Jews he wrote:
At the beginning the enemies of the Muslim community did not fight openly with arms but tried to fight the community in its belief through intrigue, spreading ambiguities, creating suspicions. They do likewise today. They have plotted and they go on plotting against this nation. Hundreds and thousands have infiltrated the Muslim world, and they still do in the guise of Orientalists. The pupils of the latter fill today the positions of the intellectual life of the countries whose people call themselves Muslim. Their aim is clearly shown by the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion]. The Jews are behind materialism, animal sexuality, the destruction of the family and the dissolution of society. Principal among them are Marx, Freud, Durkheim and the Jew Jean-Paul Sartre.
When Barack Obama invites Brotherhood representatives to sit down for tea in the White House, this is what he is inviting.
And, yet, most western-left Jews continue to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches.