Obama Threatens Christians: “Gay Rights” Come Before Your Constitutional Rights to Religious Freedom

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A couple of months ago one Sunday morning, I arrived early at church and found the presiding priest — an orthodox and reverent priest — graciously standing outside to greet parishioners. There was no one around, so we began chatting.

Father X spontaneously said something very interesting. He said that, after the 2016 elections, Catholic priests will be imprisoned in the United States for defending their faith.

I questioned his timing. Referring to the creature occupying the White House, I said, “He won’t wait till the 2016 elections. He still has one and a half years to wreak more destruction on this country.”

Then I quoted — a quote with which Fr. X was even more familiar than I was — what the late Archbishop of Chicago Cardinal Francis George said in 2010 about the perilous state of religious freedoms in the United States (and across the western world):

“I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square.”

Cardinal George’s prophesy isn’t so far-fetched given what Obama recently proclaimed.

Barely hours after Pope Francis emphasized the importance of religious freedom in his speech to the United Nations, as Francis was en route in his flight back to Rome, Obama delivered a “F-you” by declaring a war against Christianity and against the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, declaring that homosexual “rights” come before any rights to religious freedom.

Obama at LGBT fundraiser in NY, Sept. 27, 2015.

Charlie Spiering reports for Breitbart that in a speech at a LGBT fundraiser in New York City on Sunday (Sept. 27, 2015) night, Obama praised the progress made on “gay rights” under his administration. He crowed:

“We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions. But we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn’t grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights.”

Obama then accused Republicans of using the religious freedom issue just to earn more votes, as they did in 2004, and boasted that “America has left the leaders of the Republican Party behind.”

He then singled out three GOP presidential contenders for ridicule:

  • Dr. Ben Carson, for suggesting that “prison turns you gay.”
  • Sen. Ted Cruz, for saying he would introduce a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
  • Gov. Mike Huckabee, for saying that Americans should just disobey the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage. Obama mocked Huckabee, “I’m sure he loves the Constitution — except for Article III. And maybe the Equal Protection Amendment. And 14th Amendment, generally.”

Obama proudly told the audience (that included DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and actor George Takei) that he would not back down in his efforts to make progress for the LGBT community, and called for all of them to remain vigilant to hold the line on important legal gains in the country. “What makes America special is, is that though sometimes we zig and zag, eventually hope wins out,” he said. “But it only wins out because folks like you put your shoulder behind the wheel and push it in that direction.”

See also “Judicial Tyranny: Dissenting opinions on Supreme Court’s ruling on homosexual marriage.”
