By Susan Duclos
The picture below was published in the widely read Egyptian newspaper Al Wafd and has been spreading on Facebook and throughout Middle East.
According to to Al Wafd, is representative of the hatred growing numbers of people in the region have for the American president, thanks to his staunch and unwavering support for Islamists and jihadists across the Middle East.
Via the Al Wafd, after using google Chromes translation, so it isn't exactly grammatically correct due to that translation:
"Image of U.S. President Barack Obama in the form of a demon tail live amid the flames, and Obama in the picture seems a great ear and teeth like vampire teeth, and put the Star of David Israeli flag on the chest. This comes a response from the Egyptian activists to threaten a military strike against U.S. President to Syria, which they saw as a threat to the entire Arab region and interference in the internal affairs of Arab."

H/T PJTatler
Cross posted at Before It's News