Obama's Hypocrisy

Posted on the 09 November 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.

The tidbit below was written and published by the Jerusalem Post staff:
US President Barack Obama marked the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht on Friday, saying that the 1938 pogrom in which Nazis burned synagogues and murdered Jews across Germany serves as an example of what silence in the face of hatred can bring.
"I join millions of people in the United States and around the world in marking the 75th anniversary of the tragedy of Kristallnacht – “the Night of Broken Glass,” Obama stated. 
"On November 9 and 10, 1938, Nazi paramilitaries marched under the cover of darkness throughout the towns and villages of Germany and Austria smashing Jewish storefronts, arresting Jewish men en masse, ransacking Jewish homes, burning books and littering the streets with the parchment of sacred Judaic texts," the US president stated.
The blatant hypocrisy is just mind-numbing.
Ayatollahs and imams throughout the Middle East scream for the blood of the Jews and, yet, Obama and the rest of western political leadership say not a single word.  And, yet, on the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht Obama gets all teary-eyed.
If Obama actually cared he would denounce current day Koranically-based genocidal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he does not.  It is just soooo easy to condemn the Nazis for what they did 75 years ago.  It's just so convenient and easy, but if Obama had any principles he would speak out against contemporary Jew Hatred, but he does not.  On the contrary.  He promotes it by suggesting that the Jewish people only have certain prescribed places that we may live and that Jewish townships in Judaea (of all places) are "illegitimate," whatever that means, exactly.
What a bunch of hooey.
From the comments:
Josh Korn · Top Commenter · Ottawa, Ontario  
Is this dork for real?  Does he read his own words?  
If he finds silence in the face of hatred so abhorrent, why is this man so deafeningly silent in the face of incessant Palestinian Arab Jew-hatred?
Precisely.  That's all that I am saying.
Esa Heikkinen · Teknillinen korkeakoulu  
Was the speech a mandatory, unpleasant ritual, or did the words come from the heart?
I am going with "mandatory, unpleasant ritual."  The guy has to keep up appearances, after all.
chicagotrance • 9 hours ago 
Well, I am clearly not the only one getting the point.
Barry Isaacs • 18 hours ago  
What a pathetic joke. Obama talks about the consequences of silence in the face of unmitigated hatred. Some folks have no problem about lamenting the fate of a bunch of dead Jews but are prepared to do nothing in the face of unmitigated hatred against Jews today. Yeah, what we need are more memorials commemorating the senseless murders of Jews yesterday. Today? Well, that's another story.
Alright.  You guys get it.
It's around 8:15 AM on Saturday morning and I am still in my jammies.  Today we're going to the Oakland farmers' market where, hopefully, the falafel guy will be around and then we're going to the Grand Lake movie theater to see Thor because Laurie, much to my ongoing amazement, is a huge fan of the superhero genre.
You guys have a great day.